SC03. How to Talk About Movies in Chinese

How to Talk About Movies in Chinese / Movie Words in Chinese

How to talk about movies in Chinese? When a new movie comes out, how to say you like it or not? In this video lesson you'll learn a lot of useful expressions and movie words in Chinese!




电影 電影 diànyǐng n. movie; film
一部电影 一部電影 yíbù diànyǐng n.p. a movie
男演员 男演員 nányǎnyuán  n. actor
女演员 女演員 nǚyǎnyuán n. actress
动作场面 動作場面 dòngzuò chǎngmiàn n. action scene
动作片 動作片 dòngzuòpiàn n. action movie
剧情片 劇情片 jùqíngpiàn n. drama
科幻片 科幻片 kēhuànpiàn n. science fiction movie
爱情片 愛情片  àiqíngpiàn n. romance movie
恐怖片 恐怖片  kǒngbùpiàn n. horror movie
动画片 動畫片  dònghuàpiàn n. cartoon movie
喜剧片 喜劇片  xǐjùpiàn n. comedy
纪录片 紀錄片  jìlùpiàn n. documentary
烂片 爛片  lànpiàn  n. movies that suck

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喜好 xǐhào n. taste; preference
一般 yìbān adj. ordinary
好看 hǎokàn adj. good to watch
烂透了 爛透了 làntòule adj. to be very bad
感人 gǎnrén adj. touching
动脑筋 動腦筋 dòng nǎojīn v.p. to use one's brain
无聊 無聊 wúliáo adj. boring
有文化 yǒu wénhuà adj. p. cultured
刺激  cìjī adj. love movie
打发时间 打發時間  dǎfa shíjiān v.p. horror movie

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

This is my favorite movie this year!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I really like this movie.

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I think it’s just okay.

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

It’s so touching! It made me cry!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I didn’t really understand it. What’s this movie trying to say?

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

This movie sucks so much!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

The actress is so beautiful!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I mainly just like that actor.

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

It’s alright, at least it kills time!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

The story was so boring...

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

The action scene in it was so cool!




Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I don’t want to use my brain, so Cartoons are better for me.

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

Comedies don’t use your brain either!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

My favorite is action movies!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

Science Fiction Movies are really marketable!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

Aren’t Horror Movies the most exciting ones?

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

Dramas are the profound ones!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

If you want to say you’re cultured, watch documentaries.

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I still think romance movies are the best!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

It’s alright, at least it kills time!

Learn how to talk about movies in Chinese with video, audio and full transcript. Listen and speak with so many useful movie words in Chinese!

I watch everything. There's only one type that I don't watch. And that's movies that suck.

Collapse Comments
Leiana Ianne T. Gucaban Guest June 7, 2021 at 5:59 am

it was nice

ireon Premium Student November 21, 2017 at 5:00 pm

very good and informative, but at my level, speaking was too fast for me. I will have to go through again several times more in order to learn from the text.

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