Character Lesson 10 – Stroke Order Rules Group 4

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Stroke Order Rules Group 4

In this Chinese character lesson we will learn Group 4 of Chinese Stroke Order Rules, and see some example Characters that apply these two rules.



  • Stroke Order Rule 7: Middle Before the Two Sides.
  • Stroke Order Rule 8: Stroke Order of Dot.


  1. What would be an example Character that applies Stroke Order Rule 7, Middle Before the Two Sides?
  2. What would be an example Character that applies Stroke Order Rule 8, Stroke Order of Dot?


Stroke Order Rule 7: Middle Before Two Sides

Middle Before Two Sides, 先中间后两边.

For characters that are split into two sides by a central divider, we’ll write the divider first, and then the two sides. But with the two sides, we’ll always start from the left side, and then the right side.

Example Characters

小, 永, 乖, 水


Stroke Order Rule 8: Stroke Order of Dot

The Stroke Order of the Stroke Dot 点 (Diǎn), in a character, is decided by the orientation or location of the Dot.

There are four different locations where a single Dot can be placed in a character: top center; top left; top right; or inside a frame. In situation 1 and 2, we write Dot first before anything else. And in situation 3 and 4, we write Dot last.

Situation 1. Top Middle

When the 点 sits on the top left of a character, we’ll write 点 first and then the rest of the character.

Example Characters

Situation 2. Top Left

When 点 is in the top left. So we’ll write 点 first and then the rest of the character.

Example Characters

Situation 3. Top Right

When 点 is in top right of a Character, we will write 点 the last.

Example Characters

Situation 4. Inside A Frame

When 点 sits inside a “frame”, we’ll write the frame first, and then finish the character with 点.

Example Characters

凡, 叉




1 Comment
Roxanne Cu Premium Student January 18, 2021 at 9:43 am

Very helpful and informative indeed.

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