Kuàilè Shì Nàme Jiǎndān
Happiness Is That Simple
In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 40.1 and Lesson 40.2. There are two separate conversational practice:
Nǐ Shēntǐ Hǎo Diǎn Le Ma?
(Is) Your Body “A Little Bit” Better?
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
老方 Old Fang 老高 Old Gao
老方:Old Gao, (is) your body “a little bit” better?
老高:(It is) much better. (At the) time (when) I just entered (the) hospital, (my) body (was) especially bad. Every day (I) all was-on bed-surface, (and did) not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to stand-upwards, (and) also (did) not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to sit-upwards.
老方:(You) got-sick that serious! I really should “a little bit” earlier to see you “really quick”.
老高:It’s fine, if (you) came “a little bit” earlier I perhaps (did) not have method to talk with you! I (at) that time (did) not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to say anything, “as late as” now (I was) just better (by) some.
老方:Then you need-to rest more, (do)n’t (be) too tired.
老高:You said right, people, really (do) not live too tired. I now just (come to) know (the) importance (of) health. This time (I was) sick (for) several “ge” (of) months, (at the) time (of) (the) just beginning, every day eating-meal even need (my) wife to help me. I (by my)self trying to hold (the) chopsticks, but “however(/no matter how)” (I) (did) not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to grab-(them)-upwards.
老方:Then (it) really was (making) her going-through-trouble. (Do) you now have-the-potential-to-be-able-to get-down-(from the)-bed?
老高:(I do) have-the-potential-to-be-able-to get-down-(from the)-bed, I every day all can (by my)self walk-to (the) garden outside. Today you can come-over to see me, I really (am) very happy.
老方:Wait (until) you (are) moreover better (by) some, I (will) take you to go to (a) restaurant nearby to eat (one) “dun” (of) good (stuff). (I) must!
老高:Then I have-to (be) good “a little bit” faster, (I am) waiting (for) you to invite me to eat-meal!
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Kuàilè Shì Nàme Jiǎndān
Happiness Is That Simple
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
Happiness Is That Simple
My home’s nearby-place exists one “ge” (of) very pretty park, there (-) (the) air (is) fresh, (the) environment (is) also pretty good. As-long-as (I am) free, I then like going-to (the) park. Sometimes, I will put-on (my) sportswear, (and) arrive there to run “(for) a little bit”; sometimes, I will grab-upwards one “ben” (of) book, (and) in (the) park-inside seek one “ge” (of) quiet place to read-book “(for) a little bit”; sometimes, I will (in the) park’s little-rive-inside paddle boat “(for) a little bit”. (The) park-inside exists very many children being playing games, they (were) running-over-here “for a moment”, (and) running-over-there “for a moment”, (and) always (were) laughing very happy. Their laughing-voice and laughing-faces can make me forget those complicated issues (of) life-inside. Every time (I) from (the) park walk-out, I all will found-out, (the) happiness is that simple.
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