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Level 3 Lesson 39.1 – 除了 以外 复习 图书馆 表演 节目 广告 乐队 刚 刚才

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HSK 3+ VOCABULARY: 除了 以外 复习 图书馆 表演 节目 广告 乐队 刚 刚才

In this video lesson we'll learn the vocabulary in Lesson 39 and practice them with a lot of example sentences. For new Chinese characters, we'll learn how to write them and know about their structures and origins in the attached writing sheet.

  • VOCABULARY: 除了 以外 复习 图书馆 表演 节目 广告 乐队 刚 刚才
  • CHINESE CHARACTERS: 除 复 演 目 广 刚



1. 除了 chúle · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 3

prep. 介词 jiècí ▸ apart from……

2. 以外 yǐwài · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

Locality n. 方位名词 fāngwèimíngcí ▸ refers to the outside of the boundary line of a certain time, place, quantity, and/or scope

The usage of 除了......以外...... will be talked about in Topic 2.


3. 复习 fùxí · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

v. 动词 dòngcí ▸ to review what has been learned before

  • Zhǐyǒu bǎ lǎoshī jiāo guo de shēngcí dōu fùxí hǎo le, Hànyǔ shuǐpíng cái huì tígāo.
    Only-with-the-condition(-that) (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} new-words (that the) teacher (have) taught (-) review-well (and after that), (one’s) Chinese level “then” will) (be) improved.
  • Wèile kǎo yí ge hǎo chéngjì, wǒ bìxū duō fùxí, shǎo wánr diànnǎo yóuxì.
    For(-the purpose of) taking-test-(with the result of)-(having)-one-“ge”-(of)-good-score, I must review more, (and) play computer games less.


4. 图书馆 túshūguǎn · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 1

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ library

  • Zhǐyào shì zhè suǒ dàxué de xuésheng, jiù kěyǐ yòng xuéxiào de wǎng shang túshūguǎn.
    As-long-as (it) is (a) student (of) this “suo” (of) university, “then” (they) can use (the) Internet-surface library (on the) Internet.
  • Túshūguǎn li de Zhōngwén shū dōu bèi jiè zǒu le.
    All Chinese books (in the) library-inside (have) all (been) borrowed-away.


5. 表演 biǎoyǎn · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 3

v. 动词 dòngcí ▸ to perform (drama, dance, acrobatics, etc.)

  • Suīrán tā de gāngqín tán de tèbié hǎo, kěshì tā hàipà wèi dàjiā biǎoyǎn.
    Though his piano (-) plays especially good, but he is-afraid-of performing for everybody.
  • Wǎnhuì shang, yī bān de tóngxué men yìqǐ wèi dàjiā biǎoyǎn le yì shǒu Zhōngwén gē.
    (At the) evening-party, classmates (of) Class-One together for everybody performed one “shou” (of) Chinese song.

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ performance (of drama, dance, acrobatics, etc.)

  • Tā de biǎoyǎn ràng miànshì lǎoshī fēicháng mǎnyì.
    His performance made (the) interview teacher very satisfied.
  • Gǎnxiè nín wèi wǒmen dài lai zhème yǒu yìsi de biǎoyǎn.
    Thanking you (that you) brought-over-(here) such interesting performance for us.


6. 节目 jiémù · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ program (of performances, radio and television broadcasts, etc.)

  • biǎoyǎn jiémù
    biǎoyǎn yí ge jiémù
    to perform (a) program
    to perform one “ge” (of) program
  • diànshì jiémù
    TV program
  • Zhōngwén jiémù
    Chinese program
    Yīngwén jiémù
    English program
  • lǚyóu jiémù
    travel program
    tǐyù jiémù
    sports program

  • Wǒ hé péngyou zài wǎng shang kàn le yí ge Zhōngwén lǚyóu jiémù.
    I (on the) Internet watched one “ge” (of) Chinese travel program with (my) friends.
  • Xiàmiàn huānyíng Hànyǔ ’èr niánjí de tóngxué wèi wǒmen biǎoyǎn Zhōngwén jiémù: 《Sìjì Gē》.
    “The-following” (we) welcome classmates (of) Chinese (major) Grade-2 to perform (a) Chinese program “(The) Song (Of The) Four Seasons” for us.


7. 广告 guǎnggào · OLD HSK 6 / NEW HSK 2

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ advertisement

  • yì zhī guǎnggào
    yí ge guǎnggào
    one “zhi” (of) advertisement
    one “ge” (of) advertisement


  • guǎnggào gōngsī
    advertisement company


  • tǐyù guǎnggào
    sports advertisement
    lǚyóu guǎnggào
    travel advertisement


  • pāi guǎnggào
    to shoot/film (an) advertisement


  • Zài shí yuè liù rì jǔxíng de huìyì shang, gōngsī juédìng míngnián duō zài wǎng shang fàng guǎnggào, shǎo zài diànshì shang fàng guǎnggào.
    (On the) meeting held (on) October 6, (the) company decided (that) next year (they will) put ad (on the) Internet more, (and) put ad (on the) TV less.
  • Pāi yì zhī hǎo de guǎnggào guì shì guì, dàn tā yě néng ràng gōngsī zhuàn dào gèng duō de qián.
    (Admitting the fact that) filming one “zhi” (of) good advertisement is expensive, but it also can let (the) company earn more money.


8. 乐队 yuèduì · - / NEW HSK 3

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ band; orchestra

  • yì zhī yuèduì
    one “zhi” (of) band


  • Tā shì yì míng yīshēng, dàn xiàbān yǐhòu, tā yě zài yì zhī yuèduì tán gāngqín.
    He is one “ming” (of) doctor, but (in the) time (that is) after getting-off-work, he also plays piano in one “zhi” (of) band.
  • Wǒ gēn tāmen yìqǐ wánr yuèduì yǒu shí duō nián le.
    I playing band with them “reaches the evaluation of” 10-something years (already).
  • Wǎnhuì shang, xiào yuèduì biǎoyǎn le liǎng ge jiémù.
    (At the) evening-party, (the) school-band performed two “ge” (of) programs.


9. 刚 gāng · OLD HSK 2 / NEW HSK 2

adv of Time. 时间副词 shíjiānfùcí ▸ just; freshly; indicating an action or event happened not long ago, or only a short while ago

  • Tā de yuèduì gāng biǎoyǎn wán.
    His band just performed-(with the result of)-finishing-(performing).
  • Xiǎo Gāo gāng dāng bàba.
    Little Gao just became (a) dad.
  • Tā gāng bàn hǎo qiānzhèng de dì ’èr tiān jiù chūguó le.
    “As early as” (the) second day he just handled-well (the) visa (he) went-abroad.

10. 刚才 gāngcái · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

n. (Time Word) 时间名词 shíjiānmíngcí ▸ just now; a moment ago [refers to the time point that is a short while ago, as opposed to 现在]

  • Gāngcái tā líkāi túshūguǎn qù le lánqiúchǎng.
    Just-now he left (the) library (and) went-to (the) basketball-court.
  • Wǒmen gāngcái liáo dào nǎr le?
    Just-now where (did) we talk-(with the result of)-getting-to? [What were we talking about just-now?]
  • Gāngcái jīnglǐ zài cānjiā huìyì.
    Just-now (the) manager was taking-part-in (a) meeting.

刚 vs. 刚才

(1) “刚”是时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí adv of Time. ), modifies 谓语(wèiyǔ, Predicate), 用在主语(zhǔyǔ, Subject)后面
“刚才”是时间名词 (shíjiānmíngcí n. - Time Word ), 用在主语(zhǔyǔ, Subject) 的前面或者后面,都可以

For example:

  • Tā gāng qù túshūguǎn.
    He just went-to (the) library.


  • Gāngcái tā qù túshūguǎn le.
    Tā gāngcái qù túshūguǎn le.
    Just-now he went-to (the) library.
    He just-now went-to (the) library.

(2) “刚”是时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí adv of Time. ),用“刚”的句子里,可以有别的时间名词(shíjiānmíngcí n. - Time Word )
“刚才”是时间名词 (shíjiānmíngcí n. - Time Word ),用“刚才”的句子里,不能有别的时间名词(shíjiānmíngcí n. - Time Word )

For example:

  • Wǒ zuótiān gāng fùxí guo zhè běn shū.
    I yesterday just (have) reviewed this “ben” (of) book.
  • Wǒ gāngcái yǐjīng fùxí guo zhè běn shū le.
    I just-now (have) already reviewed this “ben” (of) book.

(3) “刚”是时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí adv of Time. ),“刚”后面不能加否定词 (fǒudìngcí Negative Word)
“刚才”是时间名词 (shíjiānmíngcí n. - Time Word ),刚才”后面可以加否定词 (fǒudìngcí Negative Word)

For example:

  • Wǒ gāngcái méiyǒu kàndào nà zhī guǎnggào.
    I just-now (have) not saw that “zhi” (of) advertisement.


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