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Level 3 Lesson 34.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 34.1 and Lesson 34.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《我想订一个房间》
  2. STORY TELLING →《生活中的选择》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Wǒ Xiǎng Dìng Yí Ge Fángjiān
I Want To Book One “Ge” (Of) Room

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Rúguǒ fángjiān tài guì le, Wén Xiǎojiě hái huì dìng ma?
    If (the) room (is) too expensive, will Miss Wen still book (it) ?
  2. Fúwùyuán xià cì huì gěi Wén Xiǎojiě shénme jiàgé?
    What price will the server give Miss. Wen next time?
  3. Zuìhòu, Wén Xiǎojiě dìng le duōshao qián de fángjiān?
    (In) the-end, how-much money('s) room (did) Miss Wen book?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

服务员 Attendant 文小姐 Miss Wen

服务员:Miss, (does there) exist “what(/anything)” (that I) can help you?

文小姐:I want to book one “ge” (of) room.

服务员:Which day’s (room do) you want to book?

文小姐:(The ones on) next “ge” (of) month 10 to 12, Friday to Sunday. Three “ge” (of) night.

服务员:Okay. Our rooms have three types, (there) exists (ones that are) 2000 “kuai” (of money) one night, 1200 one night, furthermore (there) additionally exists (ones that are) 800 one night, which type (do) you want to choose?

文小姐:(It) “reaches the evaluation of” “a little bit” expensive! (It) is to help (the) company manager (that) I book (the rooms), if (it is) too expensive he probably “then” (will) not approve (anymore).

服务员:Then (will it) work like-this? If you use cash,  (the ones that are) 2000 “kuai” (of money) one night (-) (I) can give you (the) price (of) 1800, (the ones that are) 1200 (-) (I) can give you (the price of) 1000, (the ones that are) 800 (-) (I can) give you (the price of) 600. (Will) you book?

文小姐:Is this the-most low price (already)?

服务员:(I am) really sorry, (in the) period (of) time (that) you want (there) exists (a) holiday, every type (of) room almost all already (have) been finished(/fully)-booked, now “then” (I) only can give you this “ge” (of) price. You (for) this time booked, next time (I) “then” can give you (a) price (that is) more cheap.

文小姐:Then (let us) then (do it like) this. Please you help me book “really quick” (the room that is) 1800.

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Shēnghuó Zhōng De Xuǎnzé
Choices (Of) Life-Inside

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wèishénme rénmen huì yǒu bù yíyàng de xuǎnzé?
    Why would people have not-the-same choices?
  2. Duì fángzi hé chē, bù tóng de rén yǒu shénme bù tóng de xuǎnzé?
    Towards house and vehicle, what different choices (do) different people have?
  3. Wèishénme wǒmen yīnggāi xuǎnzé zìjǐ xīn li zhēnzhèng juéde duì de nà ge?
    Why should we choose that “ge” (of choice) (that) we(, in our) hearts-inside(,) really think (that is) that (one) “ge” (of) correct (choice)?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.


We in life-inside always will encounter very many choices. To choose (a) job, to choose (a) hobby, to choose (a) lover, to choose (a) friend, to choose (a) bank, to choose (a) hospital...We additionally need-to choose to watch what movie, to eat what things, to wear what clothes, to live (in a) house (of) where, to drive (a) car (that is of) what price.

Some people choose to attend (a) famous university, to do (a) job (that) especially can make money; some people choose to arrive very many countries to travel, (and) live-in the-most cheap hotels. Some people choose to(,) for living-in (a) big house(,) drive (a) very old car; some people choose to(,) for driving the-most handsome car(,) live-in (a) very small house. Some people choose to get-married with (a) person (that them)selves love the-most, some people choose to get-married with (a) person (that) love (them)selves the-most. Every “ge” (of) person’s thought (is) not the-same, so their choice also “then” (is) not the-same.

Though any person all can have (them)selves’ choice, but we should understand, (that) very many times, if we already made (a) choice, “then” (we) cannot moreover choose other (things) (anymore). Examples (that are) this (-) (there) exists very many, for-example, two “fen” (of) jobs, (we) choose one “ge”, “then” (we) cannot choose the-other one “ge” (of job). (The) time (of) one “ge” (of) hour, (we) choose to read (the) newspaper, “then” (we) cannot choose to play (the) piano. One “kuai” (of) cake, (we) choose to give-as-present-to other people, “then” (we) cannot choose to eat (it by our)selves. One “ge” (of) decision, (we) choose-to agree, “then” (we) cannot choose to not agree. Life “exactly” is (like-)this, some choices (-) (we) only can choose (for) one time, “exactly” the-same like (that) every “ge” (of) person all only can live (for) one time. So, at (the) time (when) we encounter every “ge” (of) small choice (in) life-inside, (we) should think “really quick”, (that) which “ge” (of choice) is (the one that) we(, in our) hearts-inside(,) really want, or, which “ge” (of choice) is (the one that) we(, in our) hearts-inside(,) really think (that is) that (one) “ge” (of) correct (choice). If (we do like-)this, (we) wait (till) we (are) old, (at the) time (that we) again think-of (the) choices (that our)selves (have) “ever” made (in) the-past, “then” (we) will not feel sorry (to) (our)selves because-of those wrong choices.

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