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Level 3 Lesson 38.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 38.1 and Lesson 38.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《小谢当妈妈了》
  2. STORY TELLING →《生词游戏》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Xiǎo Xiè Dāng Māma Le
Little Xie Is (A) Mom (Now)

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Qīzi xiǎng zhè zhōuliù qù kàn shéi?
    Who (does) (the) wife want (to) see this Saturday?
  2. Zhàngfu wèishénme qù bu liǎo?
    Why (does the) husband not-have-the-potential-to-be-able to go?
  3. Zhàngfu shénme shíhou huí lai?
    When (will) (the) husband come-back?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

妻子 Wife 丈夫 Husband

妻子:This “ge” (of) Saturday you (do) not have “any” thing?

丈夫:This Saturday our office all need-to arrive Beijing to go-on-business-trip. What happened? (Does) there exist “any” thing?

妻子:Little Xie is (a) mom (now), we need to go see her “really quick”.

丈夫:Really? That (is) too good, (I am) really happy for her! Boy or girl?

妻子:Girl, looks especially like Little Xie!

丈夫:(It is) really good! I too really want to immediately “soon” go see her, but this time (of) going-on-business-trip (we) have (one) “ge” (of) important meeting to participate-in, I (who is) this “ge” (of) person being (the) manager must go. Only-with-the-condition(-that) I come-back, we “then” can go see her.

妻子:When (will) you come-back?

丈夫:I next “ge” (of) Thursday “soon will” come-back (already), we next Saturday or Sunday going both (are) okay. You (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) situation (of) here (-) tell her “really quick”, say with her (that) this week (we are) sorry, we next week surely (will) go see her.

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Shēngcí Yóuxì
Vocabulary Game

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Zài yóuxì li, zěnme cái yǒu jīhuì dú xià yì zhāng shēngcíkǎ?
    (In the) game-inside, how (does one person) “then” have (the) chance to read the-next one “zhang” (of) vocabulary-card?
  2. Rúguǒ dú cuò le huì zěnmeyàng?
    What will happen if (someone) reads-wrong?
  3. Kàn dào yóuxì de dì yī míng shì Xiǎo Gāo, wǒ xīn li shì zěnme xiǎng de?
    Seeing (the) No.1-place (of) game was Little Gao, what was (it that) my heart-inside think?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Vocabulary Game

Today, our Chinese class held one “time” (of) vocabulary game, as-long-as (they) are (a) student (of the) class, “then” (they) can participate-in. Altogether (there) existed ten “ge” (of) students (that) decided to participate-in.

(The) game is (something that is of) this-nature, every “ge” (of) student participating all have one “ge” (of) number, from No.1 to No.10, (the) number I got was No.8.  (The) teacher in his computer-inside made several hundreds “zhang” (of) vocabulary-card, (the) words (on the) card-surface all are (ones that) we (have) learned.(In the) time (that is) after (the) game started, (the) teacher “then” in (the) computer-surface chose one “zhang” (of) card, starting from student No.1, every “ge” (of) person all must need-to read-out (the) word, after-that use this “ge” (of) word to say one “ge” (of) sentence. Only-with-the-condition(-that) (the students) read-correct (the) word (and) also say-correct (the) sentence at-the-same-time, “then” (the students) have (the) chance to read the-next one “zhang” (of) vocabulary-card. If (someone) reads-wrong, or (the) word’s usage (is) not correct, “then” (they) cannot again participate (the) competition, (they) only can watch other classmates participating, this “zhang” (of) vocabulary-card also will (be) given-to the next “wei” (of) classmate.

About 10 minutes went-pass, I found-out, (the ones that) are still participating (the) game (-) (there) only existed me and other one “ming” (of) girl-student Little Gao, I “reached the evaluation of” “a little bit” happy, (and) thought (that the) words (that my)self knew were really a-lot. (At) this moment, (the) teacher again gave me to see one “zhang” (of) new word-card, (the) surface existed two “ge” (of) Chinese-characters, but I only recognize the first one, (it) was “kong(/air)”, (but) “kong(/air)” what? This “ge” (of) new-word (-) we certainly (have) learned, but the second “ge” (of) character (-) I really (did) not remember. (In) the-end, (the) time arrived(/was up), I (did) not read-out this “ge” (of) word. (It) should (be) Little Gao, she looked-at (it) “really quick”, (and) “immediately” read-out “kongtiao(/airconditioner)” (which were these) two “ge” (of) characters, after-that (she) again used “kongtiao” to say one “ge” (of) sentence. So, the No.1-place (of) this “time” (of) game was Little Gao.

My heart-inside thought, “Little Gao studies really good! I too need-to go-for-it, only-with-the-condition(-that) (I be) more hardworking, ‘then’ (I) can (-) ‘ba’{indicating the handling of} (my)self’s Chinese-language level (-) lift higher.”

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