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Level 3 Lesson 41.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 41.1 and Lesson 41.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《把手举起来》
  2. STORY TELLING →《乐队表演》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Bǎ Shǒu Jǔ Qǐlái
“Ba”{Indicating The Handling Of} Hands Raise-Upwards

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Zhàopiàn shang de rén shì shénme yàng de?
    What-look are (the) people (on the) picture-surface?
  2. Xiǎotōu tuō le shénme?
    What (did the) thief steal?
  3. Wèishénme xiǎotōu bù gǎn gàosu jǐngchá Hēi Màozi hé Bái Shūbāo de diànhuà?
    Why (is that the) thief dare not tell (the) police (the) phone numbers (of) Black Hat and White Packpack?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

警察 Police 小偷 Thief

警察:“Ba”{indicating the handling of} (your) hands raise-upwards! (Do you) know why?

小偷:(I) know, police-officer.

警察:(If you) know “then” (it’s) good. “Ba”{indicating the handling of} (your) hands raise-upwards “a little bit” more! (And) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (your) legs stand-well!


警察:We (have been) for-the-whole-time looking-for you, today (you were) finally by us caught! Speak, besides you, where are (the) other people?

小偷:What other people?

警察:What other people? Is (it or) not is (it that you) need me to (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) picture (-) took out to give (it) to you to look-at?

小偷:What picture?

警察:Okay, (you will not) speak(,) is (it)? (You) look “really quick” (by) yourself, this “ge” (of person who) wears black hat (on the) picture, (and there) additionally “exists” this “ge” (of) person who carries (a) white back-pack, (on) that day(, the) car (-) is (it or) not is (it that) (the) three (of) you-guys together stole (it)?

小偷:Police-officer, that day (it) was (that) I was called-to-go-over(-there) by (the) two (of) them, (at) that time how (do) I know (that) they plan to steal (the) car? Wait-till I arrived, they (would) not let me leave, (and they) said (that) if I leave, “then” (they) will arrive my parents’ house, (and they would) “ba”{indicating the handling of} their money steal-away. I was-scared! I was first-time (doing this), really.

警察:(We) know (that) you are first-time. Then where are (the) two (of) them at now? You (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} situation (-) all tell-out, is the best choice (of) yours now.

小偷:But I (in) recent-times really (have) not met-face with them.

警察:Then Black Hat and White Back-pack’s phone numbers (-) you have (them,) right? “Ba”{indicating the handling of} cellphone (-) take-out, “as soon as” right-now (-) “ba” them (-) call-over(-here).

小偷:Police-officer, I am-scared… if (I) let them know, (that it) is (that) they were send-over your-guys’ hand-inside by me, I really (do) not know what they would do to me.

警察:Is (it) (the) two (of) them or (the) police (that) you are-scared-of? (If we) make you call then you call. “A little bit” quicker!

小偷:Okay… I (will) call.

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Yuèduì Biǎoyǎn
Band Performance

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. "Xīn Kùzi" yuèduì shì Zhōngguó nǎ ge chéngshì de?
    Which "ge" (of) city (in) China is "New Pants" band (from)?
  2. "Xīn Kùzi" yuèduì de biǎoyǎn jǐ diǎn kāishǐ?
    What o'clock (does the) performance of "New Pants" band start?
  3. Nà tiān yuèduì yígòng chàng le duōshao shǒu gē?
    (On) that day how-many "shou" (of) songs (did the) band sing altogether?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Band Performance

(In the) time (that is) not long ago, my friend Zhou Jing for me introduced one “zhi” (of) Beijing band, (and they were) called “New Pants”. Zhou Jing has five “zhang” (of) “New Pants” CD, she (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (-) this five “zhang” (of) CD (-) all lent to me. I listened to several “ten”s (of) songs (of) theirs, every one “shou” (of song) (-) (I) all very like, so I very want to go see their performance, but (I) for-the-whole-time (did) not have (any) chance, because their tickets (are) difficult-to-buy.

(In) recent times, I finally waited-till this “ge” (of) chance! (The) tickets (that) for-the-whole-time (I) was-not-able-to buy, finally (were) bought-back by me! So last “ge” Saturday night, I invited Zhou Jing together to go see one “chang” (of) “New Pants” band performance. (The) performance was held at Beijing Stadium, (and it at) evening 8 o’clock started. I and Zhou Jing “as early as” afternoon 7 o’clock came-arrived (the) stadium.

(The) tickets (that) I bought were (the ones that are in) “the-most” front, (it) quickly (will) arrive 8 o’clock, people (in the) stadium are more and more, (and) finally, (the) performance started! The first “shou” (of) song is “(Do) You Want To Dance”. “Immediately after” hearing (the) music, me and Zhou Jing (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (our) hands raise-upwards (-) additionally (we) jump while loud(ly) shouting “New Pants! New Pants!”

That night, they altogether sang 14 “shou” (of) songs. (At the) time (they) finished-singing the last one “shou” (of) song, I (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (my) cellphone (-) from (my) bag took-out, (and) took-“down” one “zhang” (of) picture. Now, this “zhang” (of) picture “exactly” is-in my cellphone-inside, every time (when) I see this “zhang” (of) picture, (it) “exactly” is-like (that I) again returned that “ge” (of) night (when I) watched (the) performance.

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