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Level 3 Lesson 40.1 – 起 起来 跳 复杂 筷子 附近 一会儿

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HSK 3+ VOCABULARY: 起 起来 跳 复杂 筷子 附近 一会儿

In this video lesson we'll learn the vocabulary in Lesson 40 and practice them with a lot of example sentences. For new Chinese characters, we'll learn how to write them and know about their structures and origins in the attached writing sheet.

  • VOCABULARY: 起 起来 跳 复杂 筷子 附近 一会儿



1. 起 qǐ · - / NEW HSK 1

Directional v. 趋向动词 qūxiàngdòngcí ▸ to move from low to high; to move upwards

  • Tā ná qi yì bǎ jítā, hé yuèduì de péngyou men yìqǐ biǎoyǎn le yì shǒu gē.
    He picked-(with the direction of)-(having-it-moving)-up one “ba” (of) guitar, with friends (in the) band together performed one “shou” (of) song.
  • Dà fēng guā qi le tā de tóufa.
    (The) big wind blew-(with the direction of)-(having-it-moving)-up her hair.


2. 起来 qǐlái · OLD HSK 5 / NEW HSK 1

Directional v. 趋向动词 qūxiàngdòngcí ▸ to move from low to high; to move upwards

  • Nǐ néng bu néng qǐ lái yí xià, wǒ yào bǎ zhèr dǎsǎo yí xià.
    Can you get-up “really quick” (or) not, I need-to (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} here (-) clean-up “really quick”.
  • Wǒ zuótiān shuì de tài wǎn le, jīntiān zǎoshang qǐ bu lái.
    I yesterday slept too late, today morning (did)-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to get-up.


3. 跳 tiào · - / NEW HSK 3

v. 动词 dòngcí ▸ to jump; to leap; to skip

  • tiào yuǎn
    tiào gāo
    long jump; to do long jump
    high jump; to do high jump


  • Xiǎo gǒu tiào shang le chuáng.
    (The) little dog jumped-onto (the) bed.
  • Gāngcái dàjiā dōu zài qiúchǎng pángbiān tiào zhe wèi wǒmen jiāyóu.
    Just-now everyone all was jumping (while) cheering-on for us by (the) ball-court side.
  • Tā lí wǒ yuè jìn, wǒ de xīn tiào de yuè kuài.
    The closer he is-from me, the faster my heart beats.


4. 复杂 fùzá · OLD HSK 6 / NEW HSK 3

adj. 形容词 xíngróngcí ▸ complicated; complex; sophisticated; intricate

  • Zhè zhī yuèduì de gē dōu hěn fùzá, wǒ bú huì tán.
    Songs (of) this “zhi” (of) band (are) all very complicated, I (do) not know-how-to play.
  • Nǐ bú yòng bǎ qíngkuàng xiǎng de tài fùzá.
    You (do) not need-to (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) situation (-) think -de- too complicated.
  • Zhè jiàn shì jí fùzá, jǐ jù huà shuō bu qīngchu.
    This “jian” (of) thing (is) extremely complicated, several “sentences” (of) words (do)-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to tell-clear(ly).

antonym 反义词:简单 jiǎn dān ▸ simple; uncomplicated; plain; easy to understand, use or handle


5. 筷子 kuàizi · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ chopsticks

  • yì shuāng kuàizi
    yì zhī kuàizi
    one pair (of) chopsticks
    one “zhi” (of) (single) chopstick


  • Zhè shuāng kuàizi zěnme yì zhī cháng yì zhī duǎn?
    How-come this “pair” (of) chopsticks (-) one “zhi” (of them is) long (and) one “zhi” (of them is) short?
  • Tā gāng ná qi kuàizi zhǔnbèi chīfàn, jīnglǐ jiù dǎ diànhuà ràng tā mǎshàng huí gōngsī.
    He just grabbed-up (the) chopsticks (and) prepared to eat-meal, (the) manager “then” made (a) phone-call to-make him right-away return (the) company.


6. 附近 fùjìn · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 4

adj. 形容词 xíngróngcí ▸ nearby; neighboring

  • Měi tiān wǎnfàn yǐhòu, línjū men dōu xǐhuan dào xiǎoqū fùjìn de gōngyuán li sànbù.
    (In the) time (that is after) every day evening meal, (the) neighbors all like going-to (the) park (at the) residential-community nearby-place to walk.
  • Huìyì zài gōngsī fùjìn de jiǔdiàn li jǔxíng.
    (The) meeting (is) hold in (the) hotel-inside (which is at the) company nearby-place.

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ nearby places

  • Túshūguǎn jiù zài fùjìn, jǐ fēnzhōng jiù néng dào.
    (The) library “exactly” is-at (a) nearby-place, (in) several minutes (we) “soon will” can arrive.


7. 一会儿 yí huìr · OLD HSK 3 / NEW HSK 2

num.-m.w. phr. 数量短语 shùliàng duǎnyǔ ▸ a little while; a short while; 一段很短的时间,可以是过去的,也可以是未来(wèilái, future)的

  • Tā ná qi jítā tán le yí huìr.
    He picked-up (the) guitar (and) played (for) “a little while”.
  • Yí huìr wǒmen jiù zài fùjìn chī ge fàn ba, bié zǒu yuǎn le.
    (In) “a little while” (let) us “exactly” at (a) nearby-place eat (one) “ge” (of) meal, (and do) not walk-far.
  • Xiànzài cái liù diǎn, hái zǎo ne, wǒ yí huìr qǐ lai.
    Now (it is) “as early as” 6 o’clock, still early, I (will) (in) “a little while” get-up.

We can use several 一会儿 together following this structure:

一会儿+谓语,一会儿+谓语,(一会儿……)…… ▸几种情况 happens by turns

For Example:

  • Tā yí huìr ná qi bǐ, yí huìr bǎ bǐ fàng xia, zuìhòu shénme dōu méi xiě.
    He “for a moment” picked-up (the) pen, (and) “for a moment” (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) pen (-) put-down, (in) the-end (he did) not write anything.
  • Tiānqì yí huìr yīn yí huìr qíng.
    (The) weather “for a moment” (is) cloudy, (and) “for a moment” (is) sunny.
  • Háizi men yí huìr chànggē, yí huìr tiàowǔ.
    (The) children (are) singing-songs “for a moment”, (and) dancing “for a moment”.


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