22 Ways to Say You’re Welcome in Chinese | No Problem in Chinese


How to say you’re welcome in Chinese is one of the most useful expressions for us to learn. If someone says “thank you” to you? What’s your favorite way to say you are welcome in Chinese? Besides the most common ones: “bukeqi” and “buyongxie”, there are so many different phrases you can use, depending on the situation. We have listed 22 useful expressions to say no problem in Chinese. Watch this video and learn!


The 2 Most Common Ways to Say You Are Welcome in Chinese

1. 不客气

pinyin. bú kè qi literal. don’t be so polite liberal. you’re welcome
If someone says “thank you” to you in Chinese, what would be the appropriate response? There are so many different ways to say you are welcome in Chinese, but 不客气 bukeqi is probably the most commonly used one. You can never go wrong if you say 不客气.

2. 不用谢

pinyin. bù yòng xiè literal. no need to thank liberal. you’re welcome
Another standard way to say you are welcome in Chinese is 不用谢, meaning “you don’t have to thank me“. But if you want to know more useful and unconventional ways to say no problem in Chinese, please keep reading.


How to Say You Are Welcome in Chinese Using “Kèqi”

客气 is an adjective in Chinese, meaning “the quality of being polite“. So if you want to say you’re welcome in Chinese, using 客气 in a negative sentence can help you express the sense of “don’t be so polite, you’re welcome“. There are four different useful expressions with 客气,and they are as follows:

3. 不用客气

pinyin. bú yòng kè qi literal. no need to be so polite liberal. you’re welcome

「不用 + ADJ./VERB.」 is a common way to say “no need to be + ADJ.” or “no need to + VERB.“in Chinese.

4. 别客气

pinyin. bié kè qi literal. don’t be so polite liberal. you’re welcome

「别 + ADJ./VERB.」 is a common way to say “don’t be + ADJ.” or “don’t + VERB.” in Chinese.

5. 客气什么呢

pinyin. kè qi shén me ne literal. why so polite liberal. you’re welcome
「ADJ./VERB. + 什么呢is a very useful structure in Chinese. By using this structure, you’re basically saying “you don’t have to be + ADJ.” “you don’t have to + VERB.“. This expression is more likely to be used in spoken language. It is very casual to use, among friends and families.

6. 你太客气啦

pinyin. nǐ tài kè qi la literal. you’re too polite liberal. you’re welcome
This is not a negative sentence. But by describing that “oh you’re being so polite“, you are implying that they don’t have to act this way. And it is a very nice choice if you want the person to feel relaxed because you are really glad that you could help.

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How to Say You Are Welcome in Chinese Using “Xiè”

谢 is a verb in Chinese, meaning “to thank”. It is also common to use 谢 in a negative sentence to tell someone that they don’t have to say thank you to you.

7. 不谢

pinyin. bú xiè literal. don’t thank liberal. no problem
不谢 is just a short way of saying 不用谢. Since this expression is very short, it might sound a little indifferent. However, if you say it with a very warm smile, and a very friendly tone, there won’t be any problem.

8. 别谢了

pinyin. bié xiè le literal. stop thanking liberal. no problem
Just like 别客气, 别谢了 is an example of using the structure 「别 + ADJ./VERB.」.

9. 谢什么呢

pinyin. xiè shén me ne literal. what (are you) thanking me liberal. no problem
Just like No.5 客气什么呢, 谢什么呢 also uses the structure 「ADJ./VERB. + 什么呢. If you use this expression to say you’re welcome in Chinese, it means that you don’t really think it’s a big deal and it’s not worth mentioning.

10. 说什么谢不谢的

pinyin. shuō shén me xiè bú xiè de literal. what’s with the thanking me liberal. no problem
By using this expression, you can make the person feel that they are important and close to you, that you are glad to help and you don’t want them to feel like they owe you anything.


How to Say No Problem in Chinese

The following expressions are more likely to be used in spoken language, amongst people who know each other well.

11. 没问题

pinyin. méi wèn tí literal. no problem liberal. no problem
没问题 is a 100% word to word translation to say no problem in Chinese. If you want to sound friendly and willing to help, this expression is a nice choice.

12.没事 / 没事儿

pinyin. méi shì / méi shìr literal. nothing liberal. it’s nothing
没事 or 没事儿 is a very straightforward expression–you’re literally saying “(it’s) nothing“. But at the same time, you’re implying “don’t worry about it“.


pinyin. bù má fan literal. it’s no trouble liberal. it’s nothing
Remember in our lesson about how to say thank you in Chinese, there is an expression 麻烦你了, meaning “I’ve troubled you” or “I’ve inconvenienced you“. If anyone ever says 麻烦你了 to you, 不麻烦 can be the perfect response for it!

14. 不会

pinyin. bú huì literal. it won’t (cause me trouble) liberal. no problem
Similar with 不麻烦, 不会 can also be used to say “it’s nothing” in Chinese.


How to Say No Problem in Chinese Like A Native

15. 别不好意思

pinyin. bié bù hǎo yì si literal. don’t be embarrassed liberal. it’s my pleasure
不好意思 means “to feel embarrassed“.If you don’t want the person to feel like you’ve done them a favor, you can say 别不好意思 to make them feel more relaxed.

16. 小意思

pinyin. xiǎo yì si literal. it’s just a small thing liberal. it’s nothing
Unlike 别不好意思, here 小意思 has nothing to do with feeling embarrassed, instead, it means “a piece of cake” or “a small thing“. This is why we can use it to say no problem in Chinese, because by saying 小意思, you are indicating that it really is not a big deal.

17. 别见外

pinyin. bié jiàn wài literal. don’t regard (yourself) as an outsider liberal. it’s my pleasure
见外 means “to regard someone as an outsider“. If you have helped someone and want them to feel that you’re always ready to help them, you can tell them 别见外.

18. 你太见外了

pinyin. nǐ tài jiàn wài le literal. you (act) so much (like) an outsider liberal. it’s my pleasure
What’s a stronger way to say 别见外? Here’s the expression 你太见外了.

19. 说哪儿的话呢

pinyin. shuō nǎr de huà ne literal. what are you saying liberal. don’t mention it
说哪儿的话呢 is a very native expression for situations where you feel that the person really didn’t have to say what they just said. If you use this expression to say you are welcome in Chinese, they will not only be impressed with your friendliness and willingness to help, but also your advanced level of Chinese language.

20. 行了

pinyin. xíng le literal. enough (thanks) liberal. don’t mention it
行了 literally means enough. It can be a cool way to say no problem in Chinese if you want a close friend or family member not to feel like they have to thank you.

21. 别别别

pinyin. bié bié bié literal. don’t don’t don’t liberal. no no no
As we’ve mentioned before, 别 means “do not“, saying it three times–别别别 is a very casual and emphasized way to say no problem in Chinese.


How to Say You’re Welcome Using an Idiom


pinyin. qū qū xiǎo shì, hé zú guà chǐ literal. small thing, how (is it) worth hanging (between your) teeth liberal. it’s such a small thing, not worth even mentioning
区区小事,何足挂齿 is not a modern Chinese expression. It is an idiomatic way to say you are welcome in Chinese. 区区 means “small” or “minor“, implying it is not a big deal. 何足挂齿 means that it’s not worth mentioning. Since it’s classic Chinese language, this could be used in movies, TV shows or books. But if you do use it in spoken language, it could create a joking tone because of its overly formal origin.
1 Comment

My fav was always 應該的

23。應該的 Of course

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