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Level 3 Lesson 41.2 – 请把手举起来。

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GRAMMAR: 把 Sentences and 被 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result

In this HSK 3 video lesson we'll learn about 有复杂趋向补语的把字句 (Yǒu Fùzá Qūxiàng Bǔyǔ De Bǎzì Jù, 把 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result) and 有复杂趋向补语的被字句 (Yǒu Fùzá Qūxiàng Bǔyǔ De Bèizì Jù, 被 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result).

  • 把 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result
  • 被 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result
  • When to use 把 Sentences and when not to use 把 Sentences



Grammar 1. 有复杂趋向补语的把字句

Yǒu Fùzá Qūxiàng Bǔyǔ De Bǎzì Jù ▸ 把 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result

  See also 把字句 (Bǎzìjù ▸The 把 Sentences).
  See also 把 Sentences with 1) Preposition "在/给" and 2) Compliment Of Direction (+ Place).

A Complex Complement consist of two Chinese characters, we will use " ◼︎◼︎ " to represent it:

◼︎◼︎ = Complex Complement


For 把 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result, there are two situations:

(1) The Verb Predicate is followed by an Object

We follow this structure:

A 把 B + Verb Predicate + ◼︎◼︎

For example,

  • Qǐng bǎ shǒu jǔ qǐlái.
    Please (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (-) (your) hand raise-up.
  • Wǒ yí huìr jiù bǎ yóujiàn fā guòqù.
    I (in) “a short while” “then” (will) (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) email (-) send-over.


(2) The Verb Predicate is not followed by an Object

We follow this structure, putting the Object in-between the two characters that make up the Complex Complement:

A 把 B + Verb Predicate + ◼︎ Object ◼︎

  • Wǒ zhōngyú bǎ shū huán huí túshūguǎn qù le.
    I finally (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) book (-) return-back to (the) library.
  • Wǒ gāngcái bǎ shuǐguǒ fàng jìn bīngxiāng li qù le.
    I just-now (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) fruit (-) put-into (the) refrigerator.


Grammar 2. 有复杂趋向补语的被字句

Yǒu Fùzá Qūxiàng Bǔyǔ De Bèizì Jù ▸ 被 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result

  See also 被字句 (bèizìjù ▸ The 被 Sentences).

A Complex Complement consist of two Chinese characters, we will again use " ◼︎◼︎ " to represent it:

◼︎◼︎ = Complex Complement

For 被 Sentences with Complex Complements of Result, there are also two situations:

(1) The Verb Predicate is followed by an Object

We follow this structure:

A 被 B + Verb Predicate + ◼︎◼︎

For example,

  • Chuán zhōngyú bèi háizi men huá guòlái le.
    (The) boat finally (was) paddled-over-here (by the) children.
  • Qiānbǐ bèi tā ná qǐlái le.
    (The) pencil (has been) grabbed-up (by) him.


(2) The Verb Predicate is not followed by an Object

We follow this structure, putting the Object in-between the two characters that make up the Complex Complement:

A 被 B + Verb Predicate + ◼︎ Object ◼︎

  • Nà wèi lǎo xiānsheng bèi sījī sòng dào yīyuàn qù le.
    That “wei” (of) old gentleman (has) been sent-over-to (the) hospital (by the) driver.
  • Xiǎo gǒu bèi yéye dài xià lóu lái le.
    (The) little dog (has been) taken-down (the) building (by) grandpa.


Grammar 3. 什么时候该用把字句?什么时候不该用?

Shénme shíhou gāi yòng Bǎzì Jù, shénme shíhou bù gāi yòng? ▸ When to use 把 Sentences and when not to use 把 Sentences?

把字句 is used when three key information need to be highlighted:

  1. the action that has been performed on the Object
  2. the change that happened because of the action, or the result that is caused by the action
  3. the performer of the action who is responsible for the change or the result


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