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Level 3 Lesson 35.2 – 这本词典比那本字典重得多。

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GRAMMAR: Comparison In Chinese With (一)点(儿)/(一)些/得多/多了.

In this HSK 3 video lesson we'll learn more about how to do comparison in Chinese, and we'll also learn about words of different language styles in Chinese: 口语词, 书面语词, and 中性词.

  • Comparison in Chinese with structure adj. + (一)点(儿)
  • Comparison in Chinese with structure A 比 B + adj. + (一)点(儿)/(一)些/得多/多了
  • 口语词 vs.  中性词  vs.  书面语



Grammar 1. 比较: adj. + (一)点(儿)

Bǐjiào: adj. + (yì)diǎn(r) ▸ Comparison: adj. + (一)点(儿)

In Level 2 Lesson 4, we have learned how to do comparison with 比 and 没有 in Chinese. In today's lesson, we can use the structure adj. + (一)点(儿) to express comparison in Chinese.

  See also Comparison in Chinese with 比(bǐ ▸ comparing with) and 没有(méiyǒu ▸ not as).

The following ways all share the same meaning:

  • adj. + 一点
  • adj. + 一点儿 ⊙儿 is used in Spoken Language
  • adj. + 点 ⊙ 一 is omitted
  • adj. + 点儿

Below are example sentences:

  • Nǐ néng kuài (yì) diǎn(r) ma?
    Can you (be) “a little bit” faster?
  • Qǐng dàjiā ’ānjìng (yì) diǎn(r).
    Please everyone (be) “a little bit” quieter.


Grammar 2. 比较: A 比 B + adj. + (一)点(儿)/(一)些/得多/多了

Bǐjiào: A bǐ B + adj. + (yì) diǎn(r)/(yì) xiē/de duō/duō le ▸ Comparison: A 比 B + adj. + (一)点(儿)/(一)些/得多/多了

There are more ways to express comparison in Chinese, we'll look at these structures by groups:

(1) A 比 B + adj. + (一)点(儿)

A bǐ B + adj. + (yì) diǎn(r) ▸ A "comparing with" B (is) more adj.

This structure can have a few variations:

  • A 比 B + adj. + 一点
  • A 比 B + adj. + 一点儿 ⊙儿 is used in Spoken Language
  • A 比 B + adj. + 点 ⊙ 一 is omitted
  • A 比 B + adj. + 点儿

Let's see some example sentences:

  • Tā duì zhè ge guójiā de liǎojiě bǐ wǒ duō (yì) diǎn(r).
    His understanding towards this “ge” (of) country “comparing with” me (is) “a little bit” more.
  • Zhè zhī qiānbǐ bǐ nà zhī qiānbǐ cháng (yì) diǎn(r).
    This “zhi” (of) pencil “comparing with” that “zhi” (of) pencil (is) “a little bit” longer.


(2) A 比 B + adj. + (一)些

A bǐ B + adj. + (yì) xiē ▸ A "comparing with" B (is) “(to) some (extend)” more adj.

This structure can have two variations:

  • A 比 B + adj. +
  • A 比 B + adj. + 多了

Let's see some example sentences:

  • Zhè kuài hēibǎn bǐ nà kuài hēibǎn dà (yì) xiē.
    This “kuai” (of) blackboard “comparing with” that “kuai” (of) blackboard (is) “(to) some (extend)” bigger.
  • Dì ’èr ge lìzi bǐ dì yī ge jiǎndān (yì) xiē.
    The-second "ge" (of) example “comparing with” the-first "ge" (of example) (is) “(to) some (extend)” easier.


(3) A 比 B + adj. + 得多/多了

A bǐ B + adj. + de duō/duō le ▸ A "comparing with" B (is) much more adj.

The following two structures share the same meaning:

  • A 比 B + adj. + 得多
  • A 比 B + adj. + 多了

Below are some example sentences:

  • Tā de gāngqín shuǐpíng bǐ wǒ gāo duō le.
    Tā de gāngqín shuǐpíng bǐ wǒ gāo de duō.

    His piano level “comparing with” me (is) much higher.
  • Jīnnián de dōngtiān bǐ qùnián lěng duō le.
    Jīnnián de dōngtiān bǐ qùnián lěng de duō.

    This year’s winter “comparing with” last year (is) much colder.


Grammar 3. 口语词 vs. 中性词 vs. 书面语词

kǒuyǔcí vs. zhōngxìngcí vs. shūmiànyǔcí ▸ spoken words vs. neutral words vs. written words


(1) 口语 vs. 中性语 vs. 书面语
Kǒuyǔ vs. zhōngxìng vs. shūmiànyǔ ▸ spoken language vs. neutral language vs. written language

In Chinese, some words are very casual and are used in casual daily conversation 口语(kǒuyǔ ▸ spoken language). Some words are more formal and are usually used in formal occasions 书面语(shūmiànyǔ ▸ written language). Words that are neutral are called 中性语(zhōngxìngyǔ ▸ neutral language), and they are okay to used in both casual and formal occasions.

口语 Kǒuyǔ 中性语 Zhōngxìngyǔ 书面语 Shūmiànyǔ
  • “spoken language”
  • “neutral language”
  • “written language”
  • casual
  • casual daily conversation
  • neutral
  • formal
  • formal occasions
  • not always “in the form of speaking” (a language style that has the characteristics of casual daily conversations)
  • movie scripts, books in written form, with casual dialogues
  • not always in written form
  • formal business conversation and formal public speeches - “talking” instead of writing; but the style is formal
Language Style & Characteristics
  • a language style that is used in casual and informal situations
  • no distinct characteristics of being casual or formal
  • a language style that is used in formal situations


(2) 口语词 vs. 中性词 vs. 书面语词
kǒuyǔcí vs. zhōngxìngcí vs. shūmiànyǔcí ▸ spoken words vs. neutral words vs. written words

In many cases, a group of words may share the same meaning, but one of them may be a 口语词(kǒuyǔcí ▸ spoken word), one of them may be a 书面语词(shūmiànyǔcí ▸ written word), and/or one of them may be a 中性词(zhōngxìngcí ▸ neutral word).

Below are some examples:

口语词 中性词 书面语词
conj. 那么 then
adv. 多么 that; so
m.v. 应该 should
v. 生活 to live
生气 to be upset
选择 to choose
忘记 to forget
相信 to believe
学习 to learn
n. 街道 street


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