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Level 3 Lesson 34.2 – 为了让学生们理解,老师就多准备了几个例句。

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GRAMMAR: Adv. 就 To Take Over Previous Context And Carry On The Sentence.

In this HSK 3 video lesson we'll learn the usage of adv. 就 to take over previous context and carry on the sentence. And we'll mainly focus on the following structures:

  • 为了,就……
  • 那/那么(……,)就……
  • (因为)……,(所以)就……
  • ……,就……


Review. 就 jiù

Before we have learned many usages of Adverb 就:

 ☑ See also (1) 时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí, Adverb of Time) 就 indicating "very soon in a short time".
 ☑ See also (2) 肯定副词 (kěndìngfùcí, Positive Adverb) 就 indicating "exactly; precisely".
 ☑ See also (3) 时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí, Adverb of Time) 就 indicating “very soon after”,  “quickly after”.

In today's lesson, Adverb 就 is used to take over previous context and carry on the sentence.


Grammar 1. 为了……,就……

Wèile......, Jiù......▸ For (The Purpose Of)..., Then...

Let's see some example sentences:

  • Wèile fāngbiàn jiē sòng háizi shàngxué, tā jiù mǎi le yí liàng xīn chē.
    For(-the purpose of) make-convenient picking-up-(and)-sending (the) child to-attend-school, he “then” bought one “liang” (of) new vehicle.
  • Tā wèile míngtiān bù chídào, jīntiān jiù shuì de hěn zǎo.
    He for(-the purpose of) tomorrow (does) not arrive-late, today “then” sleep -de- very early.
  • Wèile ràng fùmǔ mǎnyì, tā jiù xuǎnzé le zìjǐ bù xǐhuan de gōngzuò.
    For(-the purpose of) making (his) parents satisfied, he “then” chose (a) job (that) he (does)n’t like (him)self.


Grammar 2. 那/那么(……,)就……

Nà/nàme (……,) Jiù…… ▸ (In That Case) “Then” (…) “Then”…

Let's see some example sentences:

  • Nǐ xuǎn zhè ge fángjiān ma? Nà wǒ jiù xuǎn pángbiān nà ge ba!
    You pick this “ge” (of) room(, right)? “Then” I “then” (will) pick that “ge” (of room on the) side!
  • Nǐ hái méi míngbai ma? Nà wǒ jiù zài shuō yí ge lìzi ba!
    You still (have) not understand? “Then” I “then” again say one “ge” (of) example!


The Subject in a long Sentence can sometimes be omitted if it’s the same as the previous Subject:

  • Nǐ bù tóngyì, nà nǐ jiù gàosu dàjiā, dàjiā huì lǐjiě de.
    You (do) not agree, “then” you “then” tell everyone, everyone will understand (it).
  • Nǐ bù tóngyì, nà jiù gàosu dàjiā, dàjiā huì lǐjiě de.
    You (do) not agree, “then” “then” tell everyone, everyone will understand (it).


 Grammar 3. (因为)……,(所以)就……

(Yīnwèi)……, (Suǒyǐ) Jiù…… ▸ (Because)…, (So) “Then”…

Let's see some example sentences:

  • Yīnwèi dàjiā dōu juéde nàyàng bú tài hǎo, suǒyǐ jiù méi tóngyì.
    Because everyone all thinks (that) that (is) not too good, so “then” (we did) not agree.
  • Dàjiā dōu juéde nàyàng bú tài hǎo, jiù méi tóngyì.
    Everyone all thinks (that) that (is) not too good, “then” (we did) not agree.


  • Bùhǎoyìsi, yīnwèi nà jiā jiǔdiàn tài guì le, suǒyǐ wǒmen jiù méi zài nàr dìng, dìng le lìngwài yì jiā.
    Sorry, because that “jia” (of) hotel (is) too expensive, so we “then” (did) not book at there, (we) booked other one “jia” (of hotel).
  • Bùhǎoyìsi, nà jiā jiǔdiàn tài guì le, wǒmen jiù méi zài nàr dìng, dìng le lìngwài yì jiā.
    Sorry, that “jia” (of) hotel (is) too expensive, we “then” (did) not book at there, (we) booked other one “jia” (of hotel).


Grammar 4. ……,就……

……, Jiù…… ▸ …, “Then”…

Sometimes adv. 就 can be used by itself without any other conjunctive word. Let's see some example sentences:

  • Nàyàng bù xíng, zhèyàng jiù duì le.
    That (does) not work, this “then” (is) right.
  • Zhè ge chéngshì qù de yuè duō, wǒ jiù yuè xǐhuan.
    This “ge” (of) city (-) the-more (I) go, I “then” the-more like (it).
  • Xiǎng qǔ qián, jiù yào qù yínháng.
    (You) want to withdraw money, “then” (you) need-to go-to (the) bank.


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