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Level 3 Lesson 37.2 – 我的签证早就办好了,但他的昨天才办好。

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GRAMMAR: Adverb of Time 才 and Adverb of Time 就

In this HSK 3 video lesson we'll learn how to correctly use two Adverbs of Time in Chinese: 才 and 就:

  • 时间副词 (Shíjiān Fùcí ▸ Adverb of Time) 才 indicating "as late as"
  • 时间副词 (Shíjiān Fùcí ▸ Adverb of Time) 就 indicating "as early as"


Grammar 1. 时间副词 "才"

Shíjiān Fùcí "cái" ▸ Adverb of Time "才"

才 is an Adverb of Time that can be used before a verb (phrase), as an Adverbial, following this structure:

才 + v. (phrase)

才 indicates that in the speaker's opinion, the action or event happened late, or lasted for a long time, “as late as”. For example,

  • Bā diǎn de huìyì, tā jiǔ diǎn cái lái cānjiā.
    (A) meeting (that is) 8 o’clock, (-) he “as late as” (at) 9 o’clock (then) came.
  • Wǒ gēn tā shuō le jǐ cì tā cái tóngyì.
    “As late as” I talked with him (for) several times he (then) agreed.


It doesn’t matter when the action or event happened, it could be in the past, present or future, cause remember in Chinese there’s no concept of tense, only aspect.

(1) for actions or events in the past

  • Lù shang dǔchē, wǒmen kāi le liǎng ge xiǎoshí cái dào bīnguǎn.
    (The) road-surface had-(a)-traffic-jam, “as late as” we drove (for) two “ge” (of) hours (we then) arrived (the) hotel.
  • Tāmen xiǎng le hěn cháng shíjiān cái juédìng jǔxíng zhè cì huìyì.
    “As late as” they thought (for) very long time (they then) decided to hold this time (of) meeting.

(2) for actions or events in the present

  • Yì nián guòqu le, wǒ cái míngbai tā duì wǒ yǒu duō zhòngyào.
    “As late as” one year passed, I (then) realized he to me “reaches the evaluation of” how important.
  • Tā gōngzuò le shí nián cái yǒu xiànzài de gōngzī shuǐpíng.
    “As late as” he worked (for) 10 years (then he) has (the) salary level (of) now.

(3) for actions or events in the future

  • Wǒ jiǔ yuè cái huì dào guówài chūchāi, bù zháojí bàn qiānzhèng.
    “As late as” September I (then) will go abroad to-be-on-business-trip, (I am) not hurried to get (a) visa.
  • Suīrán wǒ dǎsuàn míngnián cái chūguó, dàn wǒ de qiānzhèng yǐjīng bàn hǎo le.
    Though I plan to “as late as” next year (then) go aboard, but my visa (has) already (been) handled-well.


Review. 就 jiù

Before we have learned many usages of Adverb 就:

  See also (1) 时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí, Adverb of Time) 就 indicating "very soon in a short time".
  See also (2) 肯定副词 (kěndìngfùcí, Positive Adverb) 就 indicating "exactly; precisely".
  See also (3) 时间副词 (shíjiānfùcí, Adverb of Time) 就 indicating “very soon after”,  “quickly after”.
  See also (4) 副词 (fùcí, Adverb) 就 to take over previous context and carry on the sentence.

In today's lesson, we'll learn another usage of 就.


Grammar 2. 时间副词 "就"

Shíjiān Fùcí "jiù" ▸ Adverb of Time "就"

In today's lesson, 就 is an Adverb of Time that can be used before a verb (phrase), as an Adverbial, following this structure:

就 + v. (phrase)

就 indicates that in the speaker's opinion, the action or event happened early or ended early; “as early as”. For example,

  • Tā tài lèi le, wǎn shang bā diǎn jiù shuì zháo le.
    He is too tired, “as early as” evening 8 o’clock (he) fell asleep.
  • Yínhángkǎ shàng ge yuè jiù bàn hǎo le.
    (The) bank card “as early as” last “ge” (of) month (has been) handled-well.
  • Jīntiān zěnme xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn jiù kāishǐ dǔchē le?
    How come (it) started to have traffic jam today “as early as” afternoon 2 o’clock?
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