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Level 3 Lesson 43.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 43.1 and Lesson 43.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《我感觉好多了》
  2. STORY TELLING →《上海和我,我和上海》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Wǒ Gǎnjué Hǎo Duō Le
I Feel Better (By) A-Lot

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Bìngrén wèishénme gǎnjué hǎo duō le?
    Why (does the) patient feel better (by) a-lot?
  2. Gāng zhùyuàn nà tiān, bìngrén zěnmeyàng?
    That day (when they) just was-hospitalized, how-was (the) patient?
  3. Bìngrén kěyǐ chūyuàn le ma?
    Can (the) patient be-discharged-from-hospital?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

医生 Doctor 病人 Patient

医生:How-is (it)? Today (do) you feel better (by) “some” (or) not?

病人:Thank you Zhang Doctor, I feel better (by) a-lot. Yesterday that type (of) new medicine (that) you used for me (is) really not-bad, “immediately after” I ate (it, it) took-effect. That day (when) I just was-hospitalized, even standing(, I) was-not-able-to stand-up, now (I) already can rise-up to walk “really quick”.

医生:Is (it)? That (it) “then” (is) good. Today (-) weather (is) not-bad, you can arrive (the) underneath’s garden-inside to walk “really quick”. But (do) not walk (for) too long, (if you are) tired then rest “a little bit”.

病人:Then Zhang Doctor… sorry, can I (or) not can (I) ask you “really quick”, what-time can I be-discharged-from-hospital?

医生:What-happened? (Do) you miss home? You first (do) not (be) impatient(-and-)anxious, this medicine additionally need to moreover be-used (for) several days. (After) passing this week, we again look-at “really quick” your body condition. (We) must should wait-till “as late as” your body (is) good almost-the-same(-as-well) (then you) can be-discharged-from-hospital.

病人:Then okay! You’ve worked hard Zhang Doctor! You (please get) busy (with your other business)! We tomorrow meet!

医生:(It is) not hard-working, (we) tomorrow see!

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Shànghǎi Hé Wǒ, Wǒ Hé Shànghǎi
Shanghai And Me, Me And Shanghai

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wǒ shì shénme shíhou lái de Shànghǎi?
    What-time was (it that) I came to Shanghai?
  2. Wǒ lái Shànghǎi yǐqián, zài biéde chéngshì shēnghuó guò ma?
    (In the) time (that is) before I came to Shanghai, (had) I in other city lived?
  3. Wǒ dú dàxué de shíhou, Shànghǎi de fāzhǎn zěnmeyàng?
    (At the) time (that) I attended college, how-was (the) development (of) Shanghai?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Shanghai And Me, Me And Shanghai

(It) was (at) 18 years old (that) I came to Shanghai. That year, I took-test-(with the result of-)getting-into (a) university here. My home is-in one “zuo” (of) small city (in) the-north, (in the) time (that was) before (I was) 18 years old, I not-only (had) not ever lived in other places, but-also (I had) also not “even” ever went to one “zuo” (of) other city. “Immediately after” (I) arrived Shanghai, I “then” felt (the) differences/uniqueness (of) Shanghai. (It) also “is because” because this type (of) fresh feeling, (Shanghai) made me want to more understand it. After-that, I found-out, (that) the-more (I) know-about towards this “zuo” (of) city, “then” the-more I also love it.

That several years (when) I attended college, also were that several years (when) Shanghai (was-)developing (at) the-quickest (rate). (On the) streets-surface, every (one) “ge” (of) people (who) went-pass, (and) every “liang” (of) vehicle (that) drove-pass, seems-like (that they) all had that much hope and passion. But Shanghai, also has its other side. (If you do) not believe (it then) you go see “really quick” those quiet small streets, old(-and-)worn small buildings, walk-near them, “exactly” is-like (that you) can walk-into history, (and) see its past.

Shanghai “exactly” is one “zuo” (of) special city (of) this-kind, I love its yesterday, today, (and I) also love its tomorrow.

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