Pronunciation: Pinyin Drills





Chinese Pinyin Course

The Best Chinese Pinyin Course For Understanding How To Read And Pronounce Pinyin

For Students Who Wish To:

Learn the Pinyin Alphabet

Understand How to Pronounce Chinese Pinyin

Practice Listening to Chinese Pinyin

Learn All The Pinyin Rules

Learn Mandarin Chinese Online with ChineseFor.Us

Course Writer & Teacher

Lili Hao

Master's Degree in Chinese Linguistics & Bachelor's Degree in English.
8 years teaching experience.
Certified HSK & YCT examiner.

Achieve A Full Understanding of Chinese Pinyin

  • 13 Video Lessons
  • 12 Listening Practices
  • 12 Quizzes
  • 150 Questions
  • Pinyin Alphabet
  • Pronunciation Practice

Course Structure

Lesson info
A short list of what the lesson is about. You can preview, review and do self-assessment with it.

Video lesson
A 5-10 minutes instructional video with a quick listening practice at the end.

Listening quizzes
Two types of questions: multiple choices and fill in the blanks. Both Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 have at least 10 questions.

If you have any questions about this Chinese Pinyin course, or need any help for your Pinyin learning, please feel free to let us know or discuss with other students in our comment section or course group. We strive to create a welcoming and friendly learning community.

What Can I Learn from this Chinese Character Course?

Learn Chinese Pinyin pronunciation system
6 Simple Finals
21 Initials
14 Compound Finals
16 Nasal Finals
2 “Zero Initials”

Learn Chinese Pinyin rules
Where to put the Pinyin tonal markers
Omission and simplification rules
Spelling rules and typing rules

Features of this Chinese Pinyin Course

Learn Chinese Pinyin under scientific and accurate pronunciation guide
Our Chinese Pinyin course put Pinyin into small groups. Each group shares similar pronunciation techniques. With our detailed and accurate guide,your Pinyin learning journey will be easy, fun, and effective.

Learn Chinese Pinyin with interactive videos
We apply Linguistically proven methods to motivate and train learners, working towards the perfect pronunciation!

All Mandarin Pinyin lessons come with listening practice
First, a quick listening practice at the end of each lesson. This is a great way to test your freshly-learned Pinyin skills. Second, for more practice, we designed two effective and fun listening quizzes. Take them one by one for further and greater improvement of your Pinyin learning results.

How To Use This Course

STEP 1: Watch the video. Do the pronunciations. Finish the Listening Practice in the video.  Go to STEP 2 if the Listening Practice is easy × Redo STEP 1 if it is challenging.
STEP 2: Use the LESSON INFO, and check to see if you remember (1) how to pronounce the Pinyin (2) all the Pinyin pronunciation tips.  Go to STEP 3 if yes × Redo STEP 1 if not.
STEP 3: (Re-watch video if needed) Do Lesson Quiz 1: Multiple Choice.  Go to STEP 4 if you passed × Redo STEP 1 if not.
STEP 4: (Re-watch video if needed) Do Lesson Quiz 2: Fill In The Blanks.  Go to NEXT LESSON if you passed × Redo STEP 1 if not.

Take free trial lessons now!

All lessons of this course have been released. Check out other courses.

Chinese Character Writing  Previous Level 

Next Level  Tone Course

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15 thoughts on “Pronunciation: Pinyin Drills”

  1. urshurak Premium Student

    This drill is absolutely the best! I started with Anki to learn vocabulary, but everything sounded the same, I was really frustrated. With this course I learned to differentiate the ch, sh and zh so much better! They way you explain how to form those sounds just did it for me. Thank you very much!!!!

  2. Salvatore Labaro Premium Student

    I am a stunned language student and teacher of languages. Teaching is a scientifically informed art and your science and art are efficiency itself. THANK YOU FOR THIS

  3. Azzimkhanov Premium Student

    I really enjoyed the course, especially the way how you teach and quizzes that helped me to work on my weakness sides. I am an absolute beginner and I have noticed the fact that the systematic learning programme works very effective when it comes to language learning. At first I thought why they don’t start with teaching vocabularies and was little bit confused. But after understanding the role of correct pronouncing pinyins and their rule, I understand that your method is the most appropriate and effective. Thanks a lot for your effort and fantastic course.)

  4. really this website I can say that is the best for learning Mandarin because I find everything that I need with videos ,courses, and quizzes and the explication is very simple to understand

    thank you so much for this

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