Beginner Unit 4 Review: Lesson 16-20

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Free Chinese Conversation Videos

Unit 4 Review ▸ In this Unit review we will do some speaking practice. We have 3 free Chinese conversations videos. After practicing with the dialogues and phrases, we will be able to ask and offer food and drink, as well as ask and answer prices in Chinese. Also, there is a video that helps to master using Measure Words in Chinese.

PART 1. Visit A Friend In Chinese


In this free Chinese conversation video, Lǐ 'Ài 李爱 is visiting Mǎkě 马可's place. 马可 asked what she liked drinking.


  • Listen to the dialogue
  • Repeat after the dialogue
  • Answer the given questions
  • Copy the transcript both by typing and handwriting
  • Practice daily until fluent


  1. What time of the day are they talking?
  2. What does the person want to drink first?
  3. Is there any tea?
  4. What does the person end up drinking?


马可=Mǎkě    李爱=Lǐ 'Ài

李爱:Mǎkě, wǎnshàng hǎo.

马可:Wǎnshàng hǎo Lǐ 'Ài. Nǐ xǐhuan hē shénme?

李爱:Wǒ xǐhuan hēchá. Nǐ yǒu chá ma?

马可:Duìbuqǐ, wǒ méiyǒu chā.

李爱:Méiguānxi, nǐ yǒu kělè ma?

马可:Yǒu, wǒ yǒu kělè!

李爱:Wǒ hē kělè, xièxie nǐ.










马可=Mǎkě    李爱=Lǐ 'Ài

*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

李爱:Mǎkě, good evening.

马可:Good evening Li Ai. What do you like drinking?

李爱:I l like drinking tea. Do you have tea?

马可:Sorry, I don't have tea.

李爱:It's okay. Do you have cola?

马可:(Yes, I) have. I have cola.

李爱:I (will) drink cola, thank you!

马可:You're welcome.

PART 2. Shopping in Chinese


Two people are talking to each other, listen to the Chinese conversation.


  • Listen to the dialogue
  • Repeat after the dialogue
  • Answer the given questions
  • Copy the transcript both by typing and handwriting
  • Practice daily until fluent


  1. Where are they most probably at?
  2. How much is the cellphone?
  3. How much is the watch?
  4. Did the person buy anything and why?


马可=Mǎkě    小姐=xiǎojiě - a young lady

小姐:Tóngxué nínhǎo!

马可:Xiǎojiě, nǐhǎo. Zhège shǒujī duōshǎo qián?

小姐:Zhège shǒujī wǔbǎi kuài qián.

马可:Wǒ xǐhuan nàge shǒubiǎo, duōshǎo qián?

小姐:Yìbǎi 'èrshí kuài.

马可:Duìbuqǐ, wǒ méiyǒu qián. Zàijiàn!

小姐:Méiguānxi, zàijiàn!








马可=Mǎkě    小姐=xiǎojiě -  a young lady

*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

小姐:Classmate, hello!

马可:Miss, hello. How much is this cellphone?

小姐:This cellphone is 500 kuai.

马可:I like that wristwatch, how much?

小姐:120 kuai.

马可:Sorry, I don't have money. Bye!

小姐:No worries, bye!

PART 3. Useful Measure Words in Chinese


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Describe what you see in the video by using Measure Words in Chinese with this format: quantity + Measure Word + the object.


  • Watch the video
  • Repeat after the video
  • Practice daily until fluent
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DeZean Premium Student January 5, 2022 at 8:47 am

A。同学 您好。

DeZean Premium Student January 5, 2022 at 8:15 am

B。晚上好 李爱。你喜欢喝什么?

Janinatirronen Premium Student November 5, 2018 at 4:25 pm

Hi! Excuse me, but why do we use the measure word 个 in the shopping practice, even though we’re talking about a phone and a watch? I thought measure words 部 and 块 were supposed to be used with those. Have I missed something?

It’s good that you noticed the difference! The standard measure words are 部 and 块, but in daily conversations people sometimes do use the universal measure word 个.

For usage of Measure Words, there are usually 3 situations:

1. The general Measure Word 个 is used and no specific Measure Word is needed. For example, 一个苹果
2. A special Measure Word is used and 个 cannot be used.. For example, 一只猫 is correct, 一个猫 is not acceptable.
3. Both 个 and the special Measure Word are okay to be used, but using 个 sounds more casual. For example, 一个学校,一所学校.

MrPanda Premium Student June 25, 2018 at 9:11 am

First I just want to say I love your course! It’s structured and super clear, thank you!
Now, about Part 2 of the review.
I’m confused about 同学, in previous lessons I learned that 同学 means classmate.
However in this video it’s used like 学生, although the transcript for this video says classmate.
Can 同学 be used to address anyone who is clearly a student or only actual classmates?
Or is it a proper way to greet a fellow student, not necessarily from the same class nor school?

Thank you MrPanda for giving our Chinese Course such a good feedback! We really appreciate it!

Please refer to the usage of 同学 in Grammar 3 of this lesson, yes, 同学 can be used to address someone who appears to be a student, usually by (1) someone who is older and is not a student, or (2) you are also a student but not necessarily in the same class or school.

MrPanda Premium Student June 26, 2018 at 8:05 am

Thank you for your very clear answer!
I apologise for asking a question that was thoroughly answered earlier in the course.

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