In this video lesson we'll learn how to write numbers in Chinese Characters. For us to write 1-99, all we need is 10 simple characters. And it's better if we remember the number system with the following 3 parts:
In China, people usually just write 1, 2, 3 when writing numbers. But just like in English, there are spelling form of numbers such as "one, two, three", there are also character-form numbers in Chinese.
Learning how to write numbers in Chinese Characters are just as important as learning how to say them. There are 10 basic characters: 1 to 10. And for digit jumping, there are words like bǎi 百 hundreds, qiān 千 thousands, wàn 万 ten thousands...So we'll start to learn how to write numbers in Chinese Characters with the 10 fundamental ones today and move on to bigger numbers in the future!
Start from here and these are the fundamental characters to all Chinese numbers. If you can write 1-10 in Chinese, you will be able to write 1-99 in Chinese numbers.
yī 一 1 |
èr 二 2 |
sān 三 3 |
sì 四 4 |
wǔ 五 5 |
liù 六 6 |
qī 七 7 |
bā 八 8 |
jiǔ 九 9 |
shí 十 10 |
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
一 二三四五六七九十
nice nice
Thanks for your help. The lessons are verry good .I can speak chinese languoge in the middle becousei didnot learn all of them i am on the middle. By the way i am ethiopian.
thank you
一二三四五 六七八九十
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
一二三 四五六七八九十
一二三 四五六七八九十
i actually struggled for a little while trying to figure this out. pinyin we spell the name of the number not input the number it self
All good I figured it out. Cheers
I’m not sure how to get Chinese numeric characters on the keyboard ? Can you direct me pls. I am using a samsung phone.
type the pinyin (phoenetic alphabets) for the word. Ex. type “er” for 二/two after you add Chinese typing and pinyin input method. I like 9 key keyboard on the phone. quicker to type