In this video lesson we'll learn how say please in Chinese with 请, how to say excuse me in Chinese and how to say an Imperative Sentence in Chinese wit Modal Particle 吧
When we want to make a suggestion or a request politely, for example if we want to say please do something in Chinese, we can use this structure:
For example,
(1) With Object
(2) Without Object
With 请 we can say an Imperative Sentence in Chinese with a nice and polite tone.
We can also say an Imperative Sentence in Chinese with the Modal Particle 吧 by using this structure:
For example,
(1) With Object
(2) Without Object
Imperative Sentence with Modal Particle 吧 usually have a nice and polite tone, even though the English translation of it might not sound nice.
When we want to ask someone a question and get their attention, we can say 请问 to mean excuse me in Chinese, followed by the question itself. For example,
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