Level 1 Unit 4 – Story: Phone Call From My Mom

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Talking on the Phone with Someone in Chinese | HSK 1 Practice Lesson

Unit 4 Review 2 ▸ In this HSK 1 practice lesson, we will practice talking on the phone with someone in Chinese with a short story. Listen to the story and repeat after it to improve fluency of speaking Chinese.


  • Listen to the story
  • Repeat after the story
  • Answer the given questions
  • Copy the transcript both by typing and handwriting
  • Practice daily until fluent


Mǎkě 马可 was talking on the phone with someone in Chinese and he wrote the dialogue down in his journal.

  1. What is he doing?
  2. What is 高飞 doing.
  3. Who he call?
  4. What is his little brother doing?
  5. Why is 马可’s mom a little upset?



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*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Now (it) is Friday evening 6 o'clock, I don't have class,(and I) am reading (a) Chinese book.

Gāofēi has French class,(and) he is taking class at school.

I to my home make a phone call,my mom says, "Now (it) is Britain morning 10 o'clock, I am washing clothes!"

I say, "(Is) my dad watching (a) movie?"

She says, "You dad (is) not watching (a) movie, he is sleeping."

I say,"What is my little brother doing?"

She says, "He is listening to music! Now (it is) pretty late, you haven't (gone to) sleep, what (are you) doing?"

I say, "I'm to you making a phone call!"

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wyattb79 Premium Student December 30, 2023 at 11:08 am

现在星期六中午十二点, 我在家, 我看电影。
我弟弟不在家。 我给他电话。
他说:我看汉语书。 你呢?
我说:我看电影呢。 你在哪儿看汉语书?

nhatgiang Premium Student May 24, 2020 at 12:30 am


pentatonika Premium Student August 3, 2018 at 11:51 am

Just out of curiosity, what are the foreign languages most commonly studied in China?
In South Korea, English is number one, Japanese is number two, and Chinese is number three.

Please kindly refer to the English translation of the dialogue on this page and also a lesson on the usage of Verb 有 in Chinese.

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