Level 1 Lesson 29.1 – I Miss You A Lot Everyday Too

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Too, Also in Chinese 也 | Every in Chinese 每 | Both, All in Chinese 都

In this video lesson we'll learn three useful adverbs in Chinese: Every in Chinese 每; too, also in Chinese 也 and both, all in Chinese 都. We'll also learn about the 每……都…… Structure.

  • Too, Also in Chinese 也
  • Every in Chinese 每
  • Both, All in Chinese 都 - Adverb 都 (I). See also Adverb 都 (II) in Level 2 Lesson 24.
  • The 每……都 Structure



Grammar 1: Too, Also in Chinese 也 · HSK 1

To say too, also in Chinese we use the Adverb 也 yě. It is usually used as an Adverbial modifying the Predicate, and is put before the Predicate in a sentence, following this structure:

Subject +  + Predicate (+Object)

For example,

(1) with Verb Predicate

  • tā zuò dìtiě qùshàngbān, wǒ yě zuò dìtiě qù shàngbān
    he takes subway to go to work, I also take subway to go to work
  • zhèlǐ xiàyǔ, yě xiàxuě
    here rains, also snows

(2) with Adjective Predicate

  • wǒ zuótiān bù shūfu, tā jīntiān yě bù shūfu
    I yesterday (was) not feeling well, he today also not feeling well
  • zuò dìtiě hěn piányi, yě hěnkuài
    taking subway (is) very inexpensive,  also very fast



Grammar 2: Every in Chinese 每 · HSK 1

To say every in Chinese we use the Pronoun 每 měi,  which means every. Usually we say 每 plus the Measure Word, plus the thing, following this structure:

 + Measure Word + Noun (Phrase)

For example,

  • měi wèi bìngrén
    every "wei" (of) patient
  • měi liàng chūzūchē
    every "liang" (of)  taxi

Some Time Words are especial and they can be used directly after 每, without any Measure Word, following this structure:

 +  Time Word

For example,

  • měi tiān 每天 every day
  • měi zhōu 每周 every week
  • měi nián 每年 every year
  • měi fēnzhōng 每分钟 every minute

Some other Time Words are okay both with or without the Measure Word, phrases with the measure word 个 is more of spoken language though:

 +  个 + Time Word

For example,

(1) with Measure Word 个

  • měi ge xiǎoshí 每个小时 every hour
  • měi ge xīngqī 每个星期 every week
  • měi ge yuè 每个月 every month

(2) without Measure Word 个

  • měi xiǎoshí 每小时 every hour
  • měi xīngqī 每星期 every week
  • měi yuè 每月 every month


Grammar 3: Both, All in Chinese 都 · HSK 1

To say both, all in Chinese we can use the Adverb 都.

都 is a Range Adverb 范围副词 Fànwéi fùcí. A 范围副词 modifies the Predicate, and suggests that “what the predicate talks about” includes the whole group that the Subject refers to. So the Subject usually refer to a group of things/items/people. Sentences that have Adverb 都 usually follow this structure:

Subject [Group(a, b, ... , n)] +  + Predicate (+Object)

For example,

(1) with Verb Predicate

  • xīngqīyī hé xīngqī'èr dōu xiàxuě le
    Monday and Tuesday both (had) snow(ed)
  • tāmende míngzi dōushì sāngezì
    their names all are three-character

(2) with Adjective Predicate

  • tāmende nánpéngyou dōu hěnshuài
    their boyfriends (areboth very handsome
  • huǒchē hé fēijī dōu búmàn
    train(s) and plane(s) (are) both not slow


Grammar 4: The 每……都 Structure · HSK 1

Since 每 měi means every, phrases like "每个人 měigerén everyone", "每天 měi tiān every day" are basically talking about more than one thing/person, which is a "group". So 每 can be used with 都, as "the 每……都 Structure".

The 每……都 Structure is  a very useful and common structure in Chinese. Here the "每 phrase" is the Subject, with 每 + a noun. phrase, usually with the noun’s measure word, but sometimes there’s no measure word, and then the Adverbial 都, Predicate. Following this structure:

 Subject [每 (+ M.W.) + N. Phrase]  + Predicate (+Object)

For example,

(1) with Verb Predicate

  • měizhīmāo dōushì nǐde ma
    every "zhi" cat all is yours -ma
  • měiwèi bìngrén dōu zǒu le
    every "wei" patient all (have) left

(2) with Adjective Predicate

  • měiliàngchē dōu hěnmàn
    every "liang" che (are) all very slow
  • měitiān dōu fēicháng rè le
    every day (is)  all extremely hot (now)


And the 每 Phrase doesn’t necessarily have to be the Subject either. It is also commonly used as the Adverbial of the sentence, to modify the Predicate. Following this Structure:

Subject + Adverbial [每 (+ M.W.) + N. Phrase]  + Predicate (+Object)

For example,

  • wǒ měi ge xīngqī dōu qù shūdiàn
    I every "ge" (of) week all go to (the) bookstore
  • tā měifēnzhōng dōu xiǎng huíjiā
    he every minute all wants to go home
Bluetoo Premium Student March 11, 2023 at 12:34 pm


mindv0rtex Premium Student March 9, 2019 at 6:12 pm

How come there is no 吗 at the end of the question 你的电脑很慢? Was it meant to be a statement instead?

It was a question. The question is “asked” by Intonation, so there is no question word used.

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