Level 1 Unit 3 – Story: Weekend Hangout

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Weekend Hangout with Friends in Chinese | HSK 1 Practice Reading

Unit 3 Review 2 ▸ In this HSK 1 practice reading. we will practice how to describe a weekend hangout with friends in Chinese. Listen to the story and practice reading along with the video lesson!


  • Listen to the story
  • Repeat after the story
  • Answer the given questions
  • Copy the transcript both by typing and handwriting
  • Practice daily until fluent


Mǎkě 马可 is talking about hanging out with friends on weekend in his journal.

  1. Did马可’s friend drink coffee and why?
  2. What do we know about the movie?
  3. Does 马可’s friend know Chinese?
  4. What does马可’s friend want to buy?
  5. Who does 马克's friend want to meet?



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*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Yesterday (was) Saturday, I (did) not learn Chinese; was drinking coffee at my friend's room.

He didn't drink; he doesn't drink coffee.

He wanted to watch a movie; that movie is called Listen to the Music; was a Chinese movie; (was) pretty good to watch.

I know Chinese, my Chinese (is) pretty good. My friend (does) not know Chinese; he wanted to learn (it).

He didn't buy Chinese book (yet); wanted to buy one.

He doesn't know (any) Chinese teacher; wants to meet my Chinese teacher.

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Isagani Calinawan Premium Student December 12, 2023 at 7:23 am

昨天周六, 在朋友的房间喝咖啡。
他没喝, 他不喝咖啡。
他想看电影,那部电影叫 (听音乐), 是部中文电影,很好看。
我会中文,我的中文很好。 我的朋友不会中文,他想学。
他不认识汉语老师, 想认识我汉语老师。

grayson230 Premium Student December 10, 2023 at 9:47 am

他想看电影叫 ,《听音乐》。是部中文电影,很好看。

Leiana Ianne T. Gucaban Guest May 27, 2021 at 2:54 am


Prang Chanthy Premium Student May 1, 2021 at 12:27 am

Task 1:


Iraila Premium Student May 30, 2019 at 5:02 am

I have a question here. Is correct to say 汉语一本书 or is better to omit the measure word in this case? I see that it says 没买汉语书 and then 想买一本 so I’m not sure when to use 本。

mindv0rtex Premium Student October 13, 2018 at 2:02 pm

Concerning the sentence 是部中文电影, I think that we did not cover the use of a measure word in this situation. Could you please elaborate?

部 was used as the measure word for cellphones in Basic Level Lesson 19, and as the measure word for movies in Level 1 Lesson 9.1 (lesson video and vocabulary list).

mindv0rtex Premium Student October 16, 2018 at 9:57 am

Sure, that part is clear. What I don’t fully understand is why we need a measure word in this situation, why can’t we just say 是中文电影?

Lacey Jo Premium Student November 28, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Based on my understanding, saying 是中文电影 would be the equivalent of saying “it’s Chinese movie” in English. The English sentence would be grammatically incorrect because it is missing the word “a”.
Similarly, you need the measure word (in this case, 部) in Chinese to be grammatically correct. Remember that saying 一部 and 部 are basically the same and can be translated as “one (measure word)” or just “an” or “a”.

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