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Level 2 Lesson 5.1 – Her Hair is the Longest; Her Height is the Tallest

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How to Say More in Chinese with 更 and the Most in Chinese with 最

In this video lesson we'll learn how to say more in Chinese with 更  and how to say the Most in Chinese with 最. We’ll also learn a grammatical sentence structure, which is Chinese Sentence with a "Subject-Predicate" Phrase as the Predicate主谓谓语句.

  • How to say more in Chinese with 更
  • How to say the most in Chinese with 最
  • Chinese Sentence with a "Subject-Predicate" Phrase as the Predicate主谓谓语句


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Grammar 1: How to Say More in Chinese with 更 · HSK 2

If we want to say something is more... in Chinese, we can use the Adverb 更. We can say more in Chinese with 更 following this structure:

Subject +  + Predicate (+Object)

The Predicate here can be either an Adjective Predicate or a Verb Predicate.

(1) 更 + Adj. Predicate

  • zhèjiān bàngōngshì gèngdà
    this "jian" (of) office (is) more big(/bigger)
  • nǎge háizi de gèzi gènggāo
    which "ge" child's height (is) more tall(/taller)

(2) 更 + Verb Predicate

Verbs used after adverb 更 are usually Stative Verbs that suggest a status or a condition, it’s usually related to people’s feelings or physical status. For example,

  • wǒ gèng xǐhuan chángtóufa
    I more like long hair
  • shéi gèng xiǎng qù nàr
    who more wants to go there


We also learned  that we can make a comparison in Chinese with 比, and 比 can be used together with 更 as well,

B   + Adj.

  • hēshuǐ bǐ hē kělè gèng jiànkāng
    drinking water "compared with" drinking cola (is) more healthy(/healthier).
  • zhè bu shǒujī bǐ nàtái diànnǎo gèng piányi
    this "bu" cellphone "compared with" that "tai" (of) computer, (is) more cheap

In the above two sentences, using 更 or not does not affect the meaning of the sentence.


Grammar 2: How to Say the Most in Chinese with 最 · HSK 2

We can say the most in Chinese with 最. 最 is an Adverb and it is always used before the Predicate:

Subject +   + Predicate (+ Object)

Just like Adverb 更, 最 can also be followed by an Adjective Predicate or a Verb Predicate.

(1) 最 + Adj. Predicate

  • wǒmen měinián shí yuè zuì máng, yě zuì lèi
    we every year October the most busy(busiest), also the most tiring
  • nǎ bù diànyǐng de shíjiān zuì cháng 
    which "bu" (of) movie's time (is) the most long(/longest)

(2) 最 + Verb Predicate

Verbs used after adverb 最 are also usually Stative Verbs.

  • wǒ zuì xiǎng mǎi nàliàngchē
    I the most want to buy that "liang" (of) car
  • tā zuì 'ài zhèlǐ de tiānqì
    he the most like here's weather


Grammar 3: Chinese Sentence with a "Subject-Predicate" Phrase as the Predicate · HSK 2

We’ve learned three types of Predicate before, it could be a Verb Phrase, a Noun Phrase or an Adjective Phrase.

And today we have the fourth type, that’s when the Predicate of the sentence is a “Subject-Predicate” Phrase.

subject predicate

hěn jiànkāng
very healthy
very long



The Subject in the Subject-Predicate Phrase is usually part of, or related to the Real Subject of the Sentence. Just like in here 身体 is part of 他. His body is part of him.

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Kabalung Premium Student February 9, 2020 at 5:35 am

I must admit I don’t really get the subject predicate explanation. Most examples in English illustrate a syntax that is different from what is explained:
1) 他身体很健康。/ His body’s healthy => here body IS the real subject (in English)
2) 她头发更长, 今天天气最好 – same => hair and weather ARE the real subjects (in English).

All grammar explanations so far have been crystal clear. This is the first time when I am struggling a bit, but I am sure this will become clearer later on. Thank you so much for the superb quality of the course!

1.1) 他身体很健康。

2.1) 她头发更长。

3.1) 今天天气最好。

  • The REAL SUBJECTs are: 他, 她 and 今天.
  • The REAL PREDICATEs are: 身体很健康, 头发更长, 天气好.
  • These PREDICATEs are three “Subject-Predicate” Structures:
    • Subject-身体, Predicate-健康
    • Subject-头发, Predicate-更长
    • Subject-天气, Predicate-


  • 他 cannot not translated in English as “his”, instead it’s a Personal Pronoun, which means “he”;
  • 她 is not “her”, but “she” instead.
  • 今天 is not “today’s”

Please compare with:

1.2) 他的身体很健康。

2.2) 她的头发更长。

3.2) 今天的天气最好。

  • The REAL SUBJECTs are: 他的身体,她的头发,今天的天气.
  • The REAL PREDICATEs are: 很健康, 更长, 最好, which are three Adjective Phrases.

  Also compare the English translation of 1.1 and 1.2

1.1) 身体很健康。

  • Literal Translation: He – (what about him?) – body (is) very healthy.
  • Liberal Translation: His body (is) very healthy.

1.2) 他的身体很健康。

  • Literal Translation: His body (is) very healthy.
  • Liberal Translation: His body (is) very healthy.

The English translation “his body (is) very healthy”, with “his body” used as the REAL SUBJECT OF THE ENGLISH SENTENCE, only conveys the meaning of 1.1, but does not represent the Chinese sentence structure of 1.1. In English, there is no direct translation that fits the Chinese grammatical sentence structure of 1.1. However, the English translation “his body (is) very healthy” not only represents the sentence structure of 1.2, but also conveys the EXACT meaning of 1.2.

Peter Brumwell Premium Student October 19, 2020 at 1:56 am

What a brilliant explanation.

crdeans Premium Student March 19, 2019 at 1:06 am

In the lesson, how is 最好用 translated as “easiest to use”?
I would think it should be translated as “best to use”, while 最容易用 would be translated as “easiest to use”.

In the phrase 最好用(easiest to use), 最 is an adverb, meaning “the most”, 好用 is an adjective, meaning “good to use/easy to use”.

In certain context, 最好用 could mean “best to use/had better use”, but in those cases, 最好 is an adverb, meaning “had better/best to” and 用 is a verb.

Please also refer to 好 + Verb Structure .

Jano Premium Student July 16, 2018 at 3:22 pm

I think your analyse of the the subject predicate is quite interesting.
Before i assumed 他身體很健康 is basically 他的身體很健康.
Is this structure the one that is often used to introduce context to a sentence, like 他, 身體很健康.
And could 他 therefore be omitted if this context is known?

Yes this is a 主题评论句, Topic-Comment Sentence.

While “主题评论句 Topic-Comment Sentence” is the name of this particular sentence structure, “Subject-Predicate” Phrase as the Predicate is the inner logic of how sentence elements are put together.

Details about Topic-Comment Sentence will be talked about in Lesson 20 and Lesson 25 

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