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Level 3 Lesson 22.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 22.1 and Lesson 22.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《阳阳和月月在打电话》
  2. STORY TELLING →《公司里买来了一台冰箱》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Yángyang Hé Yuèyue Zài Dǎ Diànhuà 
Yangyang And Yueyue Are Making (A) Phone-call

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Yuèyue wèishénme yào qǐng Yángyang dào jiā li lái wánr?
    Why (does) Yueyue intend to invite Yangyang to arive (their) home-inside to play(/entertain)?
  2. Yángyang zhǎo de dào Yuèyue de xīn jiā ma?
    (Does) Yangyang have-the-potential-to-be-able-to find Yueyue's new home?
  3. Wèishénme Yuèyue shuō fángzi tài xiǎo le bù fāngbiàn?
    Why (does) Yueyue say (that) (the) house (being) too small (is) not convenient?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

月月 Yueyue 阳阳 Yangyang

月月:Hello, is (it) Yangyang?

阳阳:(It) is me, (it) is Yueyue(, right)? (I) listened-(with the result of)-discovering your voice!

月月:(You did) not listen-(with the result of)-getting-(it)-wrong, I am Yueyue. (Do) you have free-time next “ge” (of) weekend? I right-away soon-will will move (my) house, (and I) want to invite everyone to arrive my new house to come to entertain.

阳阳:Is (it)? (On) that day I (do) not have things, (I) have free-time. To-be-able-to meet-face with you really makes people(/me) happy! Where (do) you live at now? Quickly (-) ba{indicating the handling of}” (the) address (-) tell me!

月月:I now live-in Yunmei Residential-Community (that is by the) side (of the) zoo. (Do) you drive-vehicle to come or somehow to come? (Do) you have-the-potential-to-be-able-to find (it)?

阳阳:I (will) take (the) subway to come, (and I) have-the-potential-to-be-able-to find (it), (I will) exactly at the Zoo Stop to get-down (from the subway).

月月:Right, taking subway (is) convenient, (in the) time (that is) after you getting-down at (the) Zoo Stop to make (a) phone-call to me, I (will) come-down to pick-up you.

阳阳:Okay! How-come you moved (your) house?

月月:(Admitting the fact that) that “ge” (of) residential-community (of) before is good, but (the) house (is) kind-of small. You too know, my husband loves inviting guests, (there are) often guests coming-to (our) home-inside, (the) house (being) too small (is) not convenient. Now this “suite” (of) house “comparing with” that “ge” (of) house (of) before (is) much bigger.

阳阳:Is (it)? (That is) too good, here-(where)-I-(am) exists two bottles (of) very not-bad grape-wine, I bring-over to you, let everyone together drink.

月月:Yangyang you (are) really polite! Thank you! We next week meet!

阳阳:Next week (we) meet!

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Gōngsī Li Mǎi Lai Le Yì Tái Bīngxiāng
(There Is) One “Tai” (Of) Refrigerator Bought-(With The Result Of)-Coming-To (The) Company

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wèishénme wǒ yǐqián juéde gōngsī bù yīnggāi mǎi bīngxiāng ?
    Why (did) I (in) the-past feel (that the) company not-should buy (a) refrigerator?
  2. Wèishénme diǎn shénme cài shì ge wèntí?
    Why is ordering what dishes a problem?
  3. Dàjiā xiànzài hái jiào wàimài ma?
    (Do) everyone now still order delievery-food?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

(There Is) One “Tai” (Of) Refrigerator Bought-(With The Result Of)-Coming-To (The) Company

Last “ge” (of) week, (there is) one “tai” (of) refrigerator bought-(with the result of)-coming-to (the) company. I before (did) not understand, (the) company is (the) place (of) work, what to do to buy (a) refrigerator? (I have) not thought-of, (that after there) existing (the) refrigerator, (there have been) right-away not-few(/many) changes happening (in the) company. Before, (the) coworkers every day noon eat meal all order delivery-food, or go-to outside restaurants-inside to go eat. Eating lunch (like)-this (is) expensive and not healthy, (the) time spent (is) also long. Plus everyone together order dishes, Little Zhang wants to eat lamb, Little Gao wants to eat beef, (how about) Little Zhong, (he or she) only wants to eat chicken, ordering what dishes also is (one) “ge” (of) problem. (The) second day (after there) existing (a) refrigerator, Little Zhang brought lunch from (his) home-inside, (it) was lamb-rice (that) his wife made. (In the) time (that is) after arriving (the) office (in the) morning, Little Zhang (-) ba{indicating the handling of}” (the) meal (that he) brought (-) put-into (the) refrigerator, (when it) arrived noon, soon-after heating-up “really quick” (he) can eat. Everyone saw Little Zhang ate comfortabl(y), all began to from home-inside bring lunch. I now understand, (the) appearance of refrigerator really makes (the) lives (of) coworkers more convenient.

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