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Level 3 Lesson 4.2 – HSK不但考了,而且成绩是班里最好的。

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GRAMMAR: 1. 施事主语 vs. 受事主语; 2. 不但……而且…… "not only...but also..." in Chinese

In this HSK 3 video lesson we'll learn about the differences between 施事主语 vs. 受事主语. We'll also learn how to use the structure 不但……而且…… to say "not only...but also..." in Chinese.

  • 施事主语 vs. 受事主语
  • 不但……而且……


Grammar 1. 施事主语 vs. 受事主语

Shīshì Zhǔyǔ vs. Shòushì Zhǔyǔ ▸ Subject that performs an action vs. Subject that receives an action

In Chinese there can be two types of 主语 (Zhǔyǔ ▸  Subject), 施事主语 (Shīshì Zhǔyǔ ▸ a Subject that  performs an action) and 受事主语 (Shǒushì Zhǔyǔ ▸ a Subject that receives an action).

施事主语 example sentences:

In the sentence below, 你 is the Subject of the sentence, and because the action 拿 is performed by 你, 你 is a 施事主语.

Nǐ ná yǎnjìng le ma?
(Did) you take (the) glasses?

In the sentence below, 他 is the Subject of the sentence, and because the action 说 is performed by 他, 他 is a 施事主语.

Tā shuō Pǔtōnghuà shuō de tèbié hǎo.
He speaks Standard Chinese very well.

受事主语 example sentences:

In the sentence below, 眼镜 is the Subject of the sentence. The action 拿 is performed by someone not mentioned in the sentence, but the action 拿 is received by 眼镜. Therefore, 眼镜 is a 受事主语.

Yǎnjìng ná le ma?
(Have) the glasses (been) taken?

In the sentence below, (他的)普通话 is the Subject of the sentence. The action 说 is not performed, but received by 普通话. Therefore, 他的普通话 is a 受事主语.

Tā de Pǔtōnghuà shuō de tèbié hǎo.
His Standard Chinese (is) spoken very well.


In Chinese, 受事主语 is used A LOT MORE than 被动句 (Bèidòng Jù ▸ Passive Sentences), which, grammatically can be considered as the equivalent of The Passive Voice in English. Below are more examples.


Shòushì Zhǔyǔ ▸ Subject that receives an action

  • Zhè tào fángzi yǐjīng mài le.
    This “set” (of) house/apartment (has) already (been) sold.
  • Kùzi huàn le ba, tài zāng le.
    Pants (let them) (be) changed, (they are) too dirty.
  • 《Pūtōnghuà》Dì shí’èr kè yǐjīng xué guo le, Shísān Kè hái méi xué.
    Lesson 12 (of) Standard Chinese (has been) learned (before) (already), Lesson 13 (has) still not (been) learned.


Grammar 2. 不但……而且……

búdàn……érqiě…… ▸ not only...but also...

We can use 不但……而且 to say "not only...but also..." in Chinese. When we say "不但A而且B", what is stated in B has to go further than what is stated in A.

 ☑ The last pair of conj. that are usually used together is 虽然 and 但是.

However, 虽然 and 但是 can only be used to link two 单句 (Dānjù ▸ Simple Sentence) together, to form a 复句 (Fùjù ▸ Complex Sentence). While 不但 and 而且 can be used to link  (Cí ▸ Word), 短语 (Duǎnyǔ ▸ Phrase) and 单句 (Dānjù ▸ Simple Sentence).

Grammatically, 不但 and 而且 are both 连词 (Liáncí ▸ conj.). , we can use them

  1. to link two  (Cí ▸ Word) or two 短语 ( Duǎnyǔ ▸ Phrase) together to form a 单句 (Dānjù ▸ Simple Sentence), or
  2. to link two 分句 (Fēnjù ▸ Clause; a Simple Sentence in a Complex Sentence) to form a 复句 (Fùjù ▸ Complex Sentence).


(1) 不但……而且…… linking two words/phrases:

  • Zhèr de shēnghuó bùdàn fāngbiàn, érqiě piányi.
    Life here (is) not only convenient but also inexpensive.
  • Xiǎo Dài búdàn hěn niánqīng 'érqiě hěn piàoliang.
    Little Dai (is) not only young but also pretty.


(2) 不但……而且…… linking two clauses:

  • Yéye niánqīng de shíhou búdàn hěn shuài, érqiě duì nǎinai tèbié hǎo.
    Grandpa(,) when (he was) young(,) (he was) not only very handsome, but also very good to grandma.
  • Cài búdàn zuò le, érqiě jiǔ yě zhǔnbèi le.
    Not only (have the) dishes (been) made, but also (the) wine (has been) prepared.
  • Wǒ búdàn sòng tā qù jīchǎng le, érqiě tā huílai de shíhou wǒ yě qù jiē tā le.
    I not only took him to (the) airport, but also when he came back I also went picking him up.
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