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Level 3 Lesson 28.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 28.1 and Lesson 28.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《你还想不想看电影?》
  2. STORY TELLING →《一心不能二用》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Nǐ Hái Xiǎng Bu Xiǎng Kàn Diànyǐng?
(Do) You Still Want To (Or) Not Want To Watch (The) Movie?

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wèishénme Xiǎo Měi juéde Xiǎo Shuài kàn diànyǐng bú rènzhēn?
    Why (does) Little Mei thinks (that) Little Shuai (is) not careful(/paying full attention) watching (the) movie?
  2. Xiǎo Shuài zài shǒujī shang kàn shénme?
    What is Little Shuai reading on (his) phone-surface?
  3. Xiǎo Měi wèishénme bù xiǎng gēn Xiǎo Shuài chū lai wánr le?
    Why (is that) Little Mei (does) not want to come-out to play(/hang out) with Little Shuai (anymore)?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

小美 Little Mei 小帅 Little Shuai

小美:(Do) you still want to (or) not want to watch (the) movie?

小帅:I am watching! What’s wrong?

小美:You watch (the) movie while playing (your) cellphone, can (the) movie (be) watched well? What things (are in the) cellphone (that are) that interesting?

小帅:(It) only is one “tiao” (of) news. Sorry(,) okay (or) not okay? You look, I (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} (the) cellphone (-) turned-off, (and) will not again look-at.

小美:You (at the) time (that) are with me together always are-holding (your) cellphone, every time (it) all is (like this). Is (it or) not is (it that) you think (that) I (am) especially not-fun? (In the) future you (do)n’t call me to come-out (anymore).

小帅:I am not this “ge” (of) meaning[/I don’t mean it]. I (am) bad (-) okay (or) not okay? (Do)n’t talk (anymore), watch (the) movie!

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Yì Xīn Bù Néng ’Èr Yòng
One Heart Cannot Use (For) Two (Purposes)

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. "Yì xīn bù néng 'èr yòng" shì shénme yìsi?
    What is (the) meaning (of) “one heart cannot use (for) two (purposes)”?
  2. "Yì xīn bù néng 'èr yòng" shuō de shì jiǎndān de shìqing ma?
    Is “one heart cannot use (for) two (purposes)” talking-about simple things?
  3. Kāichē de shíhou yòng shǒujī shì "yì xīn 'èr yòng" ma?
    Is using cellphone (at the) time (of) driving-vehicle "“one heart use (for) two (purposes)"?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

One Heart Cannot Use (For) Two (Purposes)

(There) exists (one) “sentence” (of) old saying (that) says well, “One heart cannot use (for) two (purposes).” One “ge” (of) person cannot (at) the-same-time do two “jian” (of) things. (At) the-same-time doing two “jian” (of) things, two “jian” (of) things both do-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to (be) done well. We doing one “jian” (of) thing should (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} it do well (-) (do) not (at) the-same-time be-thinking, (and) be-doing other things.

Some people probably will have other opinions, they will say, how (is it that) “one heart” cannot “(be) used (for) two (purposes)”? Isn’t (it that we) (at the) time (of) eating meal can (at) the-same-time watch news? Isn’t (it that we) also (at the) time (of) playing piano can (at) the-same-time sing songs? However, (what) “one heart cannot use (for) two (purposes)” talks-about are not these simple things, (it is) those things (that we) should do carefully, (and) with-great-effort. One “ge” (of) person can play piano while sing songs, (it) “is because” he already (has) learned-(with the result of)-knowing how to play, (and) how to sing. (At the) time (that) he is learning to playing (the) piano, isn’t (it that he) should only practice piano carefully, (and) do not (at) the-same-time be-thinking-about how (the) songs (are) sung? Wait (until) he arrives (the) time (to) learn to sing songs, (he) also should only carefully practice singing songs, (and) should not again always be-thinking-about how to play (the) piano. Also, (at the) time (when) we drive vehicles, (it is the time that we) should not (be) “one hear two uses” the most, especially is (that we) cannot use (the) cellphones, right (or) not right?

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