Běijīng De Tiān
The Sky Of Beijing
In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 10.1 and Lesson 10.2. There are two separate conversational practice:
Yéye Lái Le
Grandpa Has Come
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
爷爷 Grandpa 小云 Xiaoyun
爷爷:Xiaoyun, long time no see!
小云:Grandpa, (I) really was not able to think of (that) you would come (here)! Quickly come inside quickly come inside! You coming to Shanghai (-) how come (you did) not tell us, (and) let us arrive (the) airport to pick you up?
爷爷:You guys(,) going to work(,) (are) all busy, grandpa(/I) (do) not want to make you guys go through trouble, here (where) you guys (are) (-) I (have) come (before), (I) am able to find (it). I ordered one “liang” (of) taxi, (it was) very convenient.
小云:Grandpa you sit, drink (a) cup (of) black tea! (I did) not for you put in sugar, I know, you (do) not like drinking (things that are) sweet.
爷爷:Thanks Xiaoyun! (It was) really tasty! (For) one year (I) was not able to see you, your parents, I especially miss you guys, so (I by my)self take (the) plane to come (here), (do you) welcome (me)?
小云:Grandpa, you coming (here -) can we not welcome (you)? You can come to see us is really so good! You (have) sat (for) 10 something hours’ plane(, right)? Were (you) able to rest good on (the) plane?
爷爷:(I) was not able to rest good. On (the) plane sitting (was) not comfortable, (I) was not able to fall asleep, now (my) head hurts, (my) eyes also are not able to see clearly. But it’s fine, today night (I) should probably be able to sleep good.
小云:Taking plane is (really) especially tiring. (Have) you eaten stuff on (the) plane? (Do you) need (or) not need me(,) for you(,) make (a) bowl (of) noodles?
爷爷:(Yes, I have) eaten, stuff on (the) plane (was) not bad, (it) was able to (make me) eat and get full. Xiaoyun you (do) not (be) busy (anymore), you too (just) sit!
小云:Okay. Grandpa, I heard (the) sound (of) keys (now), (it) should probably be dad (and) mom coming back (already).
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Běijīng De Tiān
The Sky Of Beijing
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
The Sky Of Beijing
I (-) (it) probably can be said (that) (it) was in Beijing (where I) grew up. I(,) in there(,) went and finished elementary school. Our elementary school (was) not big, (the) inside (of it) existed one “ge” (of) small soccer field, me and (the) friends every day all loved(,) in (the) underneath (of the) sun(,) kicking(/playing) soccer.
(The) sky (at) that time, (was) (so) high, (the) clouds (at) that time, (were) so white. Us (who) finished kicking ball sat on the ball field, drinking ice coke, looking at (the) clouds on (the) sky, saying (the) things (that we) want to do, (the) places (that we) want to go (in the) time (that is) after growing up. (At) that time(,) time (was) very slow, (in) one “ge” (of) afternoon (we) were able to finish saying everybody’s plans for tomorrow.
Waiting till (the) evening (the) moon came out, (it) “exactly” was time (for the) kids should return home (already). Mother was holding (the) keys, father was holding my soccer ball. Us (the) one family(,) towards home(,) were walking, (the) moon too was walking together with us.
(The) me now (has) already grown up, I (have) gone to very many places, (I) also(,) in (the) sky of those places(,) (have) seen (the) sun, (the) moon and (the) clouds, but (the place that) I love the most still is Beijing, because there exists my friends and parents, there exists my home. Though Beijing now(,) being away from me(,) (is) very far, but when I want to go back, (I) still am able to go (there). (The) sky of Beijing, still is (so) high, (the) clouds of Beijing, still are (so) white. But (what) makes people sad is, (the) afternoons on (the) ball-field (like) that (of) the time (when I was) little, already were not able to go back.
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您好老师! 我不清楚这个句子 “踢完球的我们坐在球场上坐”。以前的课,我懂了地方应该在动词前面。所以我自己觉得这个句子也对“ 踢完球的我们在球场上坐”. 等您的回答。谢谢老师。