In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 17.1 and Lesson 17.2. There are two separate conversational practice:
Dà Zhuōzi Fàng De Xià Fàng Bu Xià?
(Does The) Big Table Have-The-Capacity-Potential-To-Be-Able-To Put (Them Or) Not?
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
小李 Little Li 经理 Manager
小李:Manager, take-out food (-) I (“successfully”) bought (already).
经理:“It had caused you trouble” Little Li. I (am) already hungry, what “a few” (did) you buy?
小李:(I) bought dumplings, noodles, beef rice, lamb rice. (The) flavor (of) this “jia” (of) restaurant’s stuff (is) especially good.
经理:Is (it)? But us (as) two “ge” (of) people have-the-potential-to-be-able-to eat this much?
小李:Today Little Xiong and Little Fang also eat at (the) company, us (as) four “ge” (of) people, have-the-potential-to-be-able-to eat.
经理:Four “ge” (of) people? Good, I (will) now go to call Little Xiong (and) Little Fang to come to eat meal. (The) stuff (-) you (can) put (them) on the table!
小李:(It is) kind of a lot, manager you see “really quick” where has-the-capacity-potential-to-be-able-to put (them)?
经理:(Does the) coffee table surface have-the-capacity-potential-to-be-able-to put (them)?
小李:(The) coffee table (is) kind of too small, (it) probably does-not-have-the-capacity-potential-to-be-able-to put (them).
经理:You look “really quick” (- does the) big table have-the-capacity-potential-to-be-able-to put (them or) not? I think (it) probably can.
小李:You said (it) correct, (the) big table (has) no problem, (it) has-the-capacity-potential-to-be-able-to put (them)……(it’s) okay (now), (I have) placed-(them)-well-and-ready (already).
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*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
When (I was) young, I often (did) not understand (my) parents.
I do-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to understand (the) hardship (of) their work. My parents(’) work (was) both very busy, every day after getting off work (and) returning home, (my) father would clean up (the) room “really quick”, (and my) mother would make evening meal for us. Arriving weekends, they would take me to go climb (the) mountains, paddle boats, learn singing, (and) learn dancing. They - “disposing of” (their) own time - gave to me, but (at) that time, what could I understand?
I also do-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to understand their hope for me. When attending high school, (my) parents hoped (that) I could take-test-(with the result of)-getting-into one “suo” (of) good university, so on weekends they invited(/hired) (a) teacher for me, to teach me at home. (In the) time (that is) before inviting(/hiring) (a) teacher at home, I(,at the) time (of) weekends(,) all would go out and play computers together with other classmates; (in the) time (that is) after inviting(/hiring) (the) teacher, every time (I) all did-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to play (already), so (at) that time (I was) kind of upset with (my) parents.
Now I can understand (my) parents (already), (it) “is because” I (my)self have (a) job (now), (and I) also have (a) child (now). Perhaps my child now also do-not-have-the-potential-to-be-able-to understand me, but wait (until) when he has-the-potential-to-be-able-to understand (me), (he) will know (that) these (things that) I am doing now “are all because ” (I) love him.
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现在我已经理解父母,是因为我自己有工作,也有孩子了。可能我的孩子理解不了我。 但等到他理解得了的时候,他会知道我现在做这些的事情,都是我爱他。