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Level 3 Lesson 8.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Listening Materials

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 8.1 and Lesson 8.2. There are two separate listening materials:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《弟弟和哥哥在说考大学的事情》
  2. STORYTELLING →《画画和生活》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Dìidi Hé Gēge Zài Shuō Kǎo Dàxué De Shìqing
The Little Brother Is Talking About Things About Taking Test For College With The Big Brother

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Dìdì wèi shénme shuō Běijīng Dàxué méi wèntí?
    Why did the little brother say that Beijing University is no problem?
  2. Zài gēge nàyàng de gāozhōng, kǎo Běijīng Dàxué nán ma?
    In high schools like that where the big brother is, is it difficult to take test for Beijing University?
  3. Dìdi wèi shénme shuō "bié zhèyàng xiǎng"?
    Why did the little brother say "don't think it like this"?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

哥哥 big brother 弟弟 little brother

弟弟:Big brother, you want to take-test (for) which “suo” (of) university/college?

哥哥:You “this much” want to know? (After) I tell you, you (do) not tell other people.

弟弟:Tell me (please)! I (will) not talk with other people.

哥哥:I want to take-test (for) Beijing University.

弟弟:Your score (is) that good, Beijing University (will be) no problem! (In the) future (after) you arrive (in) Beijing to attend school, I (will) go seek you to play(/hang out).

哥哥:You “that much” believe in me? In high school (like) this (where) we (are,) taking-test (for) Beijing University (is) very difficult. Though (I do) not know I (am) okay (or) not okay, but I want to try “for a little bit”.

弟弟:(Do) not think “(in) this (way)”, (admitting that fact that it) is difficult, but you (are) that hardworking, will (it be) not okay? (You) should believe in (your)self!

哥哥:(It) “is not (because)” (that I do) not believe (in my self), (it) mainly “is (because)”, students (that) want to take-test (for) Beijing University (are) too many, plus (the ones that they) attend all are the best high schools (in) there (where) they (are).

弟弟:But when (it is time that people have) not take-test-(with the result of)-finishing-(the test), we all (do) not know how (the) result will (be). (Do) not think too much, (just) work hard to prepare (for it)!

哥哥:Thanks! You said (it) not wrong! Hope I can take-test-(with the result of)-getting-in!

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Huàhuà Hé Shēnghuó
Paint-paintings and Life

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wǒ huàhuà duō jiǔ le?
    How long have I been painting?
  2. Wǒ zài huídá péngyou de shénme wèntí?
    What question from my friend that am I answering?
  3. Wèi shénme huàhuà hé chīfàn、shuìjiào yíyàng?
    Why painting is the same as eating and sleeping?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Paint-paintings and Life

(It) was from elementary school 4(th) grade (that) I started to learn paint-paintings, now (I have) already (been) painting (for) 10-something-years that long. When I attended college/university, (it) was also paint-paintings (that I) studied. Now, I(,) in one “suo” (of) high school(,) teach paint-paintings, (I) am (a) teacher. (My) friend(s) ask(s) me, why (do) you love paint-paintings “this much”? (It) was “(in) this (way)” (that) I answered:

When (I was) little (it) “was (because)” (that I) felt painting-paintings (was) fun, (I) can paint little dogs, little cats, additionally (I) can paint (my) dad(,) mom and (my) good friend(s). Now (I have) grown-(with the-result-of)-(growing)-big(/up), I more and more feel (that) painting-paintings is not one type of interest, more (over) (it) is not one “fen” (of) job, it already(,) the same as eating-meals(, and) sleeping, is one type (of) my life habit. When (I am) happy, (I) can paint one “fu” (of painting), when (I am) sad, (I) also can paint one “fu” (of painting). (The) paintings (that I) paint when (my) body (is) healthy and (when I) get sick, also are not the same. I additionally especially like to paint-paintings when I go out to travel, to paint (the) people and things (that) I encounter there. I think, after very many years waiting (until) I (am) really old (already), again take-out these paintings to look at (them) “really quick’, would (be) very interesting(, isn’t it)?

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