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Level 3 Lesson 9.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Reading Materials

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 9.1 and Lesson 9.2. There are two separate reading materials:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《一位客人坐在咖啡馆里》
  2. STORYTELLING →《这样的人还是朋友?》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Yí Wèi Kèrén Zuò Zài Kāfēiguǎn Li
A Guest Is Sitting In A Coffee House

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Kérén diǎn de shì shénme kāfēi?
    What coffee was it that the guest ordered?
  2. Wèi shénme kèrén méiyǒu gěi qián?
    Why didn't the guest give/pay money?
  3. Kāfēiguǎn hé kèrén de guānxì zěnmeyàng? Wèi shénme?
    How is the relationships of the coffee house and the guests? Why?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

小姐 young lady 客人 guest

小姐:Gentleman, this is (the) coffee you ordered. “Please slowly use (it).”(/Please enjoy it while taking your time.)

客人:Thanks. (…) Wait a little bit young lady, this (is) not correct(, right)? Isn’t (it that) I “wanted to have” black coffee? This cup (of coffee) “being highly likely” is (one that) (has been) put-in sugar.

小姐:(It has been) put-in sugar? (I am) really sorry. (Let) me again for you grab one cup. Black coffee, not put-in sugar, not put-in milk, correct?


小姐:(Do) you want to put-in ice?

客人:Not put-in (ice). (It will make you) go through great trouble! [to thank for what they will do as a help or a favor]

(5 minutes after)

小姐:Gentleman, (we) for you newly made one cup, that cup “is (because)” we made-wrong, this cup (-) we give you (as a gift), today you (do) not need to give (us) money (anymore).

客人:Really? Thanks, but money (-) (I) should give (you). Come, this is (the) money (of) one cup (of) black coffee, 35 “kuai”.

小姐:We made-(with the result of)-(it being)-wrong, (we) can still let you give (us) money? Really (you do) not need to (anymore)! (The) money (-) you be taking (it)!

客人:Okay! I now know why (the) relationship of you guys and (the) guests(/customers) (is) this good, your guys’ service (is) really not-bad!

小姐:Thank you gentleman, welcome you (in the) future again come (here)!

客人:You’re welcome. I also plan to introduce my friends to come here.

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Zhèyàng De Rén Hái Shì Péngyou?
(A) Person (Like) This Is Still (A) Friend?

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wǒ shēngqì shì yīnwèi shéi?
    It was because of whom that I was upset?
  2. Xiǎo Guān duì wǒ shuō le shénme huà? 
    What words did Little Guan say to me?
  3. Yǐhòu wǒ hé Xiǎo Guān de guānxì huì zěnmeyàng?
    What will the relationship of me and Little Guan going to be like in the future?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

(A) Person (Like) This Is Still (A) Friend?

Today I (am) really especially angry, (it) “is (because)” my friend Little Guan. Today is the 1st day we go back to school, after she saw me, (she) to me said, “Little Li, you again grew-fat(/gained weight)!” That moment my boyfriend was “exactly” on (the) side (of) me, he listened (and) also (was) very angry.

I really (do) not understand why Little Guan need to say “(in) this (way)”! First, I (did) not grow-fat(/gain weight). Second, I (being) fat (or) not fat, (there) “exist” relationship with her? Third, she (in the) past also to me (have) said words/speech (like) this, I already (have) told her, I quite not like (it), (and I) hope she (do) not again say (it anymore), but today she again said (it).

(A) person (like) this is still (a) friend? I (in the) future (do) not want to again see her, even-more not want to talk with her.

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