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Level 3 Lesson 26.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 26.1 and Lesson 26.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《东西被小偷偷走了》
  2. STORY TELLING →《小区来了一群小偷》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Dōngxi Bèi Xiǎotōu Tōu Zǒu Le
(My) Stuff (Have Been) By (The) Thief Stolen

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Dōngxi shì zài nǎlǐ bèi tōu de?
    Where was (it that the) stuff was-stolen?
  2. Xiǎo Duàn shì shénme shíhou fāxiàn dōngxi bèi tōu le de?
    When was (it that) Little Duan find-out (that the) stuff was-stolen?
  3. Xiǎotōu bèi zhǎo dào le ma?
    (Has the) thief (been) found?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

小段 Little Duan 警官 Police Officer

小段:Police-officer hello!

警官:What thing happened?

小段:(The) stuff (in) my school-bag-inside (-) “by” (the) thief (-) (has been) stolen-away.

警官:Is (it) just/exactly this “ge” (of) bag? Where was (it that it) (was) stolen?

小段:Right, (it) exactly is this “ge” (of) bag, (it) was at Wenhua Park (that it was) stolen.

警官:What (things) existed (in the) bag-inside? (Have they been) all stolen?

小段:(The) inside existed cellphone, wallet, passport. (The) wallet-inside existed 500-“kuai”-(of)-money cash, additionally existed two “zhang” (of) bank-cards.

警官:When was (it that) you found-out (that the) stuff (had been) stolen?

小段:Today afternoon two o’clock.

警官:(Was) thief found-out (by) you (at the) time (when) they were stealing (the) stuff?

小段:No, (at the) time (that) I found-out, (the) stuff (in the) bag-inside already (did) not exist (there) (anymore).

警官:Okay, you first return home. We will work-hard to help you seek that “ge” (of) thief. You give us one “ge” (of) phone number, “once immediately after” finding (the) thief we soon-will to you make (a) phone-call.

小段:Okay, here, (it) just/exactly is this “ge” (of) number. Thanks police-office! You have worked hard!

警官:(It is) not painstaking, this is (what) we should do. You slowly leave!

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Xiǎoqū Lái Le Yì Qún Xiǎotōu
(There Have Been) One Group (Of) Thieves Coming (To The) Residential-Community

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Xiǎotōu dào Mǎ Jiā tōu le shénme?
    What (did the) thief arrive (the) Ma-Family (and) steal?
  2. Wèishénme "wǒ" jiā méi lái xiǎotōu?
    Why (there has)n't (been) thieves coming-to "my" home ?
  3. Nǎ jiā zuì xiān gěi xiǎoqū Zhāng Jīnglǐ dǎ diànhuà?
    Which family called Manager Zhang (of the) residential-community the first?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

(There Have Been) One Group (Of) Thieves Coming (To The) Residential-community

Today morning “once immediately after” going-to-work, Manager Zhang (of the) residential-community sent one “feng” (of) email to (the) neighbors. (The) email-inside said, yesterday night, (there have been) one group (of) thieves coming to our residential-community.

This group (of) thieves first arrived (the) Zhang Family (and) stole 4000-“kuai”-(of)-money cash, then arrived (the) Guan Family (and) stole two “bu” (of the) newest Apple cellphones, after-that they arrived (the) Gao Family (and) stole one “tai” (of) computer, (in) the-end, they again arrived (the) Ma Family (and) stole four “zhang” (of) bank-cards. My home lived especially high (in the building), (it is) on (the) 27(th) Floor, so (the) thief (was) not able to come-in.

(The) email-inside additionally said, today morning, Manager Zhang (of the) residential-community first received (the) phone-call (of the) Guan Family, after-that again received (the) phone-calls (of the) Zhang Family, (the) Ma Family and (the) Gao Family. Manager Zhang right-away made (a) phone-call (-) “ba”{indicating the handling of} this “jian” (of) thing (-) told (the) police.

(In the) time (that is) after receiving (the) phone-call, two “ming” (of) police-officers very quick(ly,) driving (the) police-car(,) came-arriving our residential-community. They arrived (the) houses (of) these four families (of) people to look-at “really quick”, after-that towards them asked some questions, (in) the-end (they) wrote-down their phone numbers. (The) two “ming” (of) police-officers said (that) they would work-hard to find this group (of) thieves, “once immediately after” finding them (they) would make (a) phone call to tell everyone.

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