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Level 3 Lesson 27.3 – Conversation & Story

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HSK 3+ Conversational Practice

In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 27.1 and Lesson 27.2. There are two separate conversational practice:

  1. CONVERSATION → 《警察和小偷》
  2. STORY TELLING →《起床起晚了》


  1. Learn
    1. Listen and repeat along with the video
  2. Practice daily - the most important part for achieving fluency
    1. Spend 10-30 minutes per day reading the lesson materials aloud (with or without the video)
    2. Practice conversations and stories from previous lessons too


Jǐngchá Hé Xiǎotōu
Police And (The) Thief

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Jǐngguān juéde, shàng zhōusì xiǎotōu zài nǎ ge shíjiān duàn yǒu wèntí?
    (The) police-officer feels (that), in which "ge" (of) time (of) last Thursday (did the) thief have a problem?
  2. Xiǎotōu tōu le duōshao qián?
    How-much money (did the) thief steal?
  3. Xiǎotōu chà qián gěi fùqīn kàn bìng, duì ma?
    (The) thief is-short-of money to look-at sickness for his father, (is that) correct?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

警察 Policeman 小偷 Thief

警察:Hello, I am Police-officer Ye, this “wei” (of person) is Police-officer Zhou. We have some questions (and) want to ask you. Hope you can answer “really quick”.

小偷:Okay, police-officer. Please ask.

警察:Last “ge” (of) Thursday morning 11:30 to afternoon 1:45 this period (of) time, what were you doing?

小偷:I got-fever, (and) at home-inside (was) sleeping!

警察:But, (in) that period (of) time (there) existed several “ge” (of) people (that) all(,) at (the) outside (of the) bank (on) No.98 Zhengyuan Street(,) (had) saw you.

小偷:Police-officer, that “ge” (of person) was not me. I was-at home!

警察:You (by your)self view “really quick” this section (of) video, this “ge” (of) person isn’t you?


警察:Yesterday (there) existed several “wei” (of) old people(,) at (the) outside (of the) bank (on) Zhengyuan Street(,) had been stolen cash. Was (it or) not was (it) (something that) you did?

小偷:(It) was me…

警察:You (by your)self tell, how much (did you) steal?

小偷:Okay, I (will) tell. (I) stole two “wei” (of) old people, one “wei” (of them) (was) 4000, the-other one “wei” (of them) (was) 5000.

警察:This is (for) you to do this (-) No. what-number time? [/How many times have you done this?]

小偷:Police-officer, you need-to believe me. This is (for) me the first time. (It) mainly “is because” (that) my father is-sick very serious(ly), in (the) hospital, I have to buy medicine for him. My money still is-short (by) too much. I know (that my)self not should steal stuff, but I really (do) not know what-to-do, (in) the-end (I) only thought-of this type (of) method. Police-officer, I (was) bad.

警察:We (have) asked your friends and neighbors. Your father goes-to-work at (the) bus company, we already (have) made (a) phone-call to his company, he today still is working!

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Qǐchuáng Qǐ Wǎn Le
Got-up-(from)-bed Got-up Late

❖  QUESTIONS 问题 Wèntí

  1. Wǒ dǎsuàn jǐ diǎn zhōng zuò dìtiě qù shàngbān?
    (At) what o'clock (do) I plan to take (the) subway to go to work?
  2. Wǒ shì jǐ diǎn qǐ de chuáng?
    (At) what o'clock was (it that) I get-up-(from)-bed?
  3. Wǒ měi tiān chī zǎofàn yòng duō cháng shíjiān? Jīntiān ne?
    How-much long time (do) I use to eat breakfast every day? (And) how-about today?


❖  TEXT 课文 Kèwén


*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.

Got-up-(from)-bed Got-up Late

Today morning I got-up-(from)-bed got-up late. I planned to (at) 6:30 get-up, (and) after-that (at) 7:30 go-out to take subway to go-to-work. But, (at the) time (that I) got-up (it was) already 6:45. (At) that time I felt I might (for) going-to-work would go late. Today is I (-) (for) the first day to go to (the) bank to work, what-to-do? I cannot make (the) manager and (the) co-workers think (that) I am one “ge” (of) person (who is) not careful. I (on) every day eat breakfast will use half “ge” (of) hour – eat one “ge” (of) egg, several “pieces” (of) bread, a little bit (of) fruit, additionally (I) will drink one cup (of) milk. I decide (that) today (I do) not eat egg and fruit, (I) only drink milk, eat bread. Because (I) ate few, today breakfast only spent 15-minutes. (In the) time (that is) after finishing-eating I looked-at (the) watch “really quick”, (it was) 7:25, (and it was) about-the-same with (the) time (that) I planned to go-out, and (it was) five minutes early. (It was) really not-bad!

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