Chūzūchē Li De “Xīnwén”
“News” (In The) Taxi-Inside
In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 29.1 and Lesson 29.2. There are two separate conversational practice:
Wǒ Bú Tài Xǐhuan Nà Fèn Gōngzuò
I (Do) Not So-Much Like That “Fen” (Of) Job
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
母亲 Mother 女儿 Daughter
母亲:How come you (do)n’t work at (the) bank (anymore)?
女儿:I (do) not so-much like that “fen” (of) job. The longer time (I) do (it) the more (I) feel (that) this is not (the) job (that) I want to want-to-have.
母亲:(Have) you changed job? Or are (you) seeking (a job that is) new?
女儿:(I) Still (have) not changed (job). Not impatient-and-anxious. I plan to first rest (for) one year, to go travel “really quick”, then decide (in the) future to do what.
母亲:You (are) young, (and have) not got-married (and you have) no child either, (you do) not need-to be impatient-and-anxious to make money, (you) can do (the) things (that you your)self want to do, (it is) really good.
女儿:(It is) “acceptably” okay! I mainly “is because” (that I) want to first think-clear what (my)self want to want-to-have, (and) then seek (a) new job.
母亲:Right, first think-clear then seek one “ge” (job that) (your)self really likes.
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Chūzūchē Li De “Xīnwén”
“News” (In The) Taxi-Inside
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
“News” (In The) Taxi-Inside
Every (time) arrive one “ge” (of) new city, I all like with (the) taxi drivers there talk. They are one group (of) pretty interesting people. They not only know-clearly every one “tiao” (of) street (of) this “ge” (of) city, furthermore (they) also know-clearly what (have) happened (on) every “tiao” (of) road-surface. The longer time they drive (the) taxi, the more things (they) also know. From there (where) they (are), I (have) heard very many “news” (that) not so-much can (be) seen (on the) TV, (and) newspaper-surface. For example, (there has been) one “tiao” (of) dog running (away from) some “ge” (of) residential-community, (and in) the-end (was) found by (some) people in (the) subway; (there has been) one “ge” (of) person drinking-(with the result of)-getting-drunk (in) some “ge” (of) restaurant, after-that (he or she) entered (the) hospital (and) lived (for) two “ge” (of) weeks (there); (the) tickets (of) some game (in the) stadium (-) (there are) no people buying, (the) people kicking (the) ball “comparing with” (the) people watching (the) ball (are) even more……Though (they) all are some little stories, but (they) make people want to laugh after listening (to them). Sitting (in the) car while listening to these “news” (are) “acceptably” fun.
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