Xīwàng Hé Nǔlì
Hope And Hard Work
In this part of the lesson, we will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar that we've learned in Lesson 6.1 and Lesson 6.2. There are two separate speaking and reading materials:
Xióng Xiǎokě Hé Fāng Qīngqīng Zài Shāngdiàn Mǎi Dōngxi
Xiaoke Xiong And Qingqing Fang Are Shopping In The Store
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
熊小可 Xiaoke Xiong 方清清 Qingqing Fang
熊小可:You wearing this “fu” (of) red glasses (is) really cute! The first “fu” (of glasses that) you tried (is) not this good-looking (as) this “fu” (of glasses), (just) buy this “fu” (of glasses)!
方清清:(Admitting the fact that it) is cute, but would (it) (or) not would (it be) too cute? Plus (the) price (is) that expensive! I (will) more over change a few “fu” (of glasses) to try really quick (and) see.
熊小可:This “fu” (of) black (ones) (have been) tried yet?
方清清:Not yet, (let) me try really quick. This “fu” (of glasses are) not bad. What about (the) price? (Does it) “you”(/reach-the-evaluation-of) that expensive (as) that “fu” (of) red (glasses)?
熊小可:(The) price (has been) asked, (it is) not that expensive (as the one of) red color.
方清清:I (have) thought-(with the result of thinking)-well, (I will) buy this “fu” (one of) black color! How about you? That “shuang” (of) shoes (that) you tried (have been) bought already?
熊小可:(I have) not buy (them), not this quick, shoes (have) not yet (been) looked-at-(with the result of)-finishing, there additionally exists very many, I want to see (them) all really quick. I might want to buy three (or) four “shuang” (of shoes)!
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Xīwàng Hé Nǔlì
Hope And Hard Work
*The English translation is made to be literal for a better understanding of the Chinese sentence structures and language flow.
Hope And Hard Work
I am one “ming” (of) delivery-food-staff. I (have) been (a) delivery-food-staff (for) already six “ge” (of) months. Very many people might think, when (it is) raining big, snowing big, us delivery-food-staffs also need to(,) riding (the) vehicle(,) to go deliver delivery-food, (it is) really too painstaking! But I (my)self feel (that) this “fen” (of) job (is) not that painstaking (as) they think. Delivering delivery-food though (is) not that comfortable (as) sitting in (an) office-room, but when (the) delivery-food (is) delivered-(with the result of)-arriving to (the) guests’(/customers’) hands, the guests(/customers) smile, I too will feel very happy. Plus I still (am) this young, now (admitting the fact that it) is tiring, but (my) life (in the) future will (be) better and better. I now (am) 20 years old, I also (do) not plan to delivery delivery-food arriving(/till) (I am) 30 years old, (or) 40 years old. (The) now most hardworking delivery-food-staff, (in the) future might exactly be (the) manager of (a) delivery-food company, or will open one “ge” (of) delivery-food company (of) (one)self(’s own). So I now every one day all try hard to work, try hard to live, because every one “ge” (of) tomorrow all exists new hope.
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