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Level 3 Lesson 18.1 – 只 一共 墙 堵 挂 站 中间 中 阿姨 叔叔

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HSK 3+ VOCABULARY: 只 一共 墙 堵 挂 站 中间 中 阿姨 叔叔

In this video lesson we'll learn the vocabulary in Lesson 18 and practice them with a lot of example sentences. For new Chinese characters, we'll learn how to write them and know about their structures and origins in the attached writing sheet.

  • VOCABULARY: 只 一共 墙 堵 挂 站 中间 中 阿姨 叔叔
  • CHINESE CHARACTERS: 墙 堵 挂 阿 姨 叔



1. 只 zhǐ · HSK 3 

adv. 副词 fùcí ▸ only; merely; just; simply

  See also Measure Word 只 (zhī).

In today's lesson, 只 is a 范围副词 (fànwéi fùcí ▸ scope adverb; range adverb). We have learned another 范围副词 before: 都.

  See also 都 (dōu ▸ both; all).
  • Wǒ zhǐ fàng le yì diǎnr yán.
    I only added-in “a little bit” (of) salt.
  • Wǒ zhǐ jìde tā xìng Zhōng, jiào shénme wàngjì le.
    I only remember (that) he surname-is Zhong, (him being)-called what (-) (I) forgot (already).
  • Wǒ zhǐ xīwàng nǐ néng lǐjiě wǒ.
    I just hope (that) you can understand me.


2. 一共 yígòng · HSK 3 

adv. 副词 fùcí ▸ altogether; in all; in total

一共 is also a 范围副词 (fànwéi fùcí ▸ scope adverb; range adverb).

  • Tā yígòng zuò le liù ge dàngāo.
    He in-total made -le six “ge” (of) cakes.
  • Cóng zǎoshàng dào xiàwǔ, wǒmen pá shān yígòng pá le liù ge xiǎoshí.
    From (the) morning arriving (the) afternoon, we climbed-mountain in-total climbed six “ge” (of) hours.
  • Wǒ yí gong xiěcuò le wǔ ge zì.
    I altogether wrote-(with the result of)-(writing)-wrong five “ge” (of) characters.


3. 墙 qiáng · HSK 4 

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ wall

  • Zhè ge fángjiān de qiáng shì báisè de.
    (The) wall of this “ge” (of) room is (something that is of the) white-color.
  • Tā zài qiáng shang xiě el yí ge zì.
    He on (the) wall-surface wrote one “ge” (of) character.


4. 堵 dǔ

m.w. 量词 liàngcí ▸ measure word for (outer) wall or wall-like objects

For outer wall, we can use the Measure Word 堵; for indoor wall, we can use the Measure Word 面 (miàn ▸ surface).

  • yì dǔ qiáng
    one “du” (of) (outer) wall
  • yí miàn qiáng
    one “mian”(/surface) (of) (indoor) wall


  • Fángjiān li de zhè miàn qiáng tài zāng le.
    This “mian” (of) wall (in the) room (is) too dirty.
  • Zhè dǔ qiáng shang yǒu liǎng dào mén, wǒmen cóng nǎ dào mén jìnqu?
    “There are” two “dao” (of) doors (on) this “du” (of) wall-surface, from which “dao” (of) door (do) we go-in?


5. 挂 guà · HSK 4 

v. 动词 dòngcí ▸ to hang

  • Wǒ zài qiáng shang guà le yì fú huà.
    I hung one “fu” (of) painting on (the) wall-surface.
  • Nǐ de yàoshi guà zài nàr ne, kàn jiàn le méiyǒu?
    Your key (is) hang(ing) in there, (did you) see (already or) not?
  • Yuèliang guà zài gāogāo de tiān shang.
    (The) moon (is) hang(ing) in (the) high sky(-surface).
  • Hónghóng de píngguǒ guà zài shù shang.
    Red apples (are) hanging on (the) tree(-top).


6. 站 zhàn · HSK 3

v. 动词 dòngcí ▸ to stand

We've learned 站 in 火车站 (huǒchēzhàn ▸ train station)、地铁站 (dìtiězhàn ▸ subway station)、公共汽车站 (gōnggòngqìchēzhàn ▸ bus stop; bus station), but in today's lesson, 站 is a verb.

  • Wǒ zhàn zài shān shang kàn zhe tiān shang de yún.
    I (am) standing on (the) mountain top watching (the) clouds in (the) sky(-surface).
  • Zhàn zhe méiyǒu zuò zhe shūfu, zuò zhe méiyǒu shuì zhe shūfu.
    Standing (is) not (as) comfortable (as) sitting, sitting (is) not (as) comfortable (as) sleeping.
  • Nǚháir zǒu le yǐhòu, nánháir hái zài nàr zhàn le hěn jiǔ.
    (In the) time (that is) after (the) girl (had) left, (the) boy still stood “in” there (for) very long.


7. 中间 zhōngjiān · HSK 3 

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ center; middle; interspace

  • jiàoshì zhōngjiān
    (the) middle (of the) classroom
  • lù zhōng jiān
    (the) middle (of the) road/street


  • Bàngōngshì zhōngjiān yǒu yì zhāng dà zhuōzi.
    “There is” one “zhang” (of) big table (in the) middle (of the) office.
  • Tāmen liǎng ge rén zhōngjiān yǒu yì tiáo gǒu.
    “There is” one “tiao” (of) dog (in the) middle (of the) two (“ge” of people) (of) them.
  • Nǐ míngzi zhōngjiān de nà ge zì zěnme dú?
    That “ge” (of) character (that is in) the-middle (of) your name (-) how-to read?


8. 中 zhōng · HSK 3 

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ inside

中 vs. 中间

inside; center middle; center; interspace
more commonly used for abstract matters more commonly used for substantial space


中 can be used in the same way as Locality Noun 里.

Gùshi li de zhè ge háizi wèishénme kū le?
Gùshi zhōng de zhè ge háizi wèishénme kū le?
Why (did the) child in (the) story cry?


Tā de shēnghuó li, kuàilè de shìqing duō, nánguò de shīqing shǎo.
Tā de shēnghuó zhōng, kuàilè de shìqing duō, nánguò de shīqing shǎo.
(In) his life, happy stuffs (are) a lot, sad stuffs (are) few.


9. 阿姨 āyí · HSK 3

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ aunt [to address women about the age of one’s mother]

  • Zhāng ’Āyī
    Aunt Zhang
  • Lǐ ’Āyī
    Aunt Li


  • Nà wèi niánqīng de ’āyí shì wǒ mama de tóngxué.
    That “wei” (of) young auntie is my mom’s classmate.
  • Bàba hé mama líhūn wǔ nián yǐhòu, hé Zhōu ’Āyí jié le hūn.
    (In the) time (that is) after dad got divorced with mom, (he) got married with Aunt Zhou.
  • Bié jiào wǒ ’āyí, jiào jiějie, hǎo ma?
    (Do) not call me aunt, call (me) big-sister, okay?


10. 叔叔 shūshu · HSK 3

n. 名词 míngcí ▸ uncle [to address men about the age of one’s father]

  • Zhōng Shūshu
    Uncle Zhong
  • Guān Shūshu
    Uncle Guan


  • Zhè wèi shùshu shì wǒ fùqīn de lǎo péngyou.
    This “wei” (of) uncle is my father’s old friend.
  • Jīntiān xiàwǔ yǒu ge xìng Xióng de shūshu gěi nǐ dǎ le yí ge diànhuà.
    (In the) afternoon today, “there is” (one) “ge” (of) uncle (who) last-name-is Xiong (and he) made one “ge” (of) phone-call to you.
  • Wǒ bǐ nǐ fùqīn hái dà jǐ suì, nǐ yīnggāi jiào wǒ yì shēng shūshu ba!
    I “comparing with” you father (am) even older (by) a few years, you should call me (one “voice” of) uncle probably!


1 Comment
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Alex Premium Student April 18, 2022 at 9:53 am

Hello, wrong translation.

  • Nǐ míngzi zhōngjiān de nà ge zì zěnme dū?
  • 你名字中间的那个字怎么读?
  • Our family’s habits and/with.

Not sure about the 读 whether it’s 1st or 2nd tone. Thanks.

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